
Showing posts from December 12, 2017


     I am talking about the story of two      children,who were the best friends.      beautiful relationship is mark of       Bonding of love. They eat, play and       share everything with each other.       Both Siddharth and Sehej belonged to       the educated families but difference       was that Sehej's parents taught him to       live in desire of God.To be happy       choose only the path of truth and        honesty. And do hard work to be                  successful and satisfied.                          On the other hand Siddharth's parents            were financially strong and powerful.They taught him that there was nothing powerful than money in this world. So money is everything  for get any position  in any field.  All of us know it was tough job for a single person to get admission in the convent I C S E background school. Now both the parents were very excited for their child's admission.They were very happy for the