
Showing posts from February 6, 2025

The Pregnant Deer

Once in a jungle, a pregnant deer was about to give birth to child. So she searched for a very good place for herself there was grass and a river bank to give birth to the child. Suddenly she started having labor pains. At this time, dark clouds gathered there and lightning started flashing. As soon as she looked towards the opposite side, a hunter was preparing to shoot her with an arrow. The lion was very hungry.  In such a situation, what would the pregnant deer do?when she started having heavy pains, on one side there was a fire in the  jungle and on the other side a river was flowing and at such a time she understood her priority to give  birth to a baby.There  were some incidents happened in such a way that lightning flashed and the hunter could not see anything, suddenly the arrow slipped out of his hand and start to move  towards the hungry lion because heavy rain had started fire of the jungle extinguished and the deer gave birth to a very healthy and b...


तुम बहुत खास हो। मुझे तुमसे उम्मीद है, कि तुम बेहतर से बेहतरीन बनने में कोई, कसर नहीं छोड़ोगे। ठोकरे बहुत कुछ सिखाती हैं। जीने का तजुर्बा दे जाती हैं। तुम तुम्हारे जीवन की, वह किताब हो जिसके पन्ने, कोरे हैं। बस तुम ही उस पर, रचना लिख सकते हो। कोई और नहीं।            - ✍️पूनम ✍️✍️