MINT FOR ACNE Mint stain helps to remove the stains and is useful in removing the acne. It makes it fresh by handing the excess oil of the skin and making it. Wash the mint leaves thoroughly and grind them in the mix and take out the juice. And put on the acne Wash the face with fresh water after half an hour. SUGAR IS ALSO USEFUL It is a very simple and easy scrub for a healthy, acne-free and vibrant skin, or scrub is also effective in removing dead skin. Not only that, your skin tone will also be better with regular use. To prepare this scrub, prepare 3 tablespoons sugar a spoonful of milk powder Take one spoon of honey in a bowl and make it good mixture. Apply this on your face finely for few minutes by palm. Now wash your face after 15 minutes. SOUR GRAPES FOR UV RAYS It is full of sweet, tasty and jelly-like fruit rich in antioxidant which protects the skin from free radical damage and harmful UV rays. Take 2 tbsp of fresh juice of grapes and add o...