Today many types of oils are available in the market. But coconut oil has its unique qualities . We know that our grandparents used to use this oil many times. Nowadays we think that this oil is of no use and old, so we use new oils. Today I am telling you some good qualities of coconut oil. 1.As a primer- This oil is very effective and can be used as a primer . It will work as a base for foundation. For this you should take some drops of coconut oil and spread it on your face. 2. Increase moisture in skin. To clean and moisturizing skin, coconut oil can be used easily. It will also give nourishment and nutrition to your skin . So,from today,you use coconut oil as a moisture. 3. Increases beauty of nails If you apply coconut oil on your nails you can get strong and beautiful nails. To get strong nails you have to give a slow massage to your nails every night.( Before going...