D O L L - An inspirational story

I want to say happy women's day to all the women power of world, and today I met with two beautiful girls who are struggling and definitely coping with their circumstances bravely. Ranjana and Kiran are two girls from the village Masaunpur of state Kanpur. There are five daughters and two son of their parants.Their father sold saris in Kanpur but he was looking for a good job as the income was not sufficient for satisfying hunger of his family. After some time he started doing a job of selling parrots made of foam. He went to many states to sell out these hand made parrots. Still the family was struggling with financial issues. Once he went to Calcutta (present day Kolkata) for some work and bought one doll for his loving daughter. The doll was not only pretty but also was reasonable in price. Then his daughters took some parts out of the doll and observed the construction of the dolls ...