Hurrah!! Today it's something special, Can you guess? Yes it's my birthday. Everyone do something special for his/her birthday. I've also planned something for my birthday. Nowadays the pollution is increasing and the lifeline of human beings are also being destroyed. Till now you might discover what I want to say, ya the deforestation. This is a serious matter of disscussion. I've decided to plant some trees on my birthday. I took two plants from the nursery. Got in the car and got to the place where those trees were to be planted . I took the shovel and dug into the soil and placed one of the tree their and planted it. The other tree was neem and I planted it into the soil. And watered those plants . Please do something drastic by planting trees and not by using plastic . Save trees, nature and yourself. I hope that those plants grow to big and huge trees. And give shelter to many birds and animals. Please don't destroy ...