It is about those days when my friend and I used to study together. He was a very good friend of mine, we used to play together, share lunchboxes, chat together, and laugh, joke and study and share many things. One day my friend told me that his health isIis nothnot going good.It has been bad for a long time and he has been taking many medicines for longtime regularly. I assured him that he would get well soon. A few days later, when we came in the tenth class, I came to know that due to taking too much antibiotics, his kidney has become a problem and one kidney has stopped working at all, so now his treatment started. Finally my friend living on the single kidney. Time was passing. When my friend and I reached 12th class, I came to know that he had some difficulty in the heart. Due to this, he started living very ill life. And he was also taking a lot of medicines, due to which the heart was affected.At present time he has a hole ...