In our daily food, we give no importance to seeds. But these seeds are really full of vitamins, minerals, protein,and antioxidants. You can use these seeds in salad and smmothy. If it is possible then you should eat raw seeds. 1. PUMPKIN SEEDS - It is a good source of vitamin B, Iron, megnisium, zinc, protein and amino acid. This seed is very useful for the patient of depression. It controls anxiety and flw of blood in veins. You can eat pumpkin seeds raw or roasted with tea or coffee.You can make some LADOOS of pumpkin seeds by using jaggery. We can use pumpkin seeds oil for making vegetables and daal also.but one thing which is necessary to remember is that, don't cook these seeds. SUNFLOWER SEEDS - These seeds are full source of vitamin B, vitamin E. These seeds are useful for hair and skin. You can use these seeds in muffins and cookies to make them more crispy. Sunflower seeds are more beneficial for CANCER DISEASE. Don't use salt with these see...