Our teacher one day told us a story about his friend. I found it interesting and also wanted you to listen the story. That day our teacher told one boy, "Don't tell lie to me", and then he narrated his story, he was a child ,back to eight standard he was having a classmate named Joy. That days they used to get report cards for two days and get it signed it from parents and return it back to class teacher. After two days, his classmate joy brought the card and his maths teacher asked him to show it to him . He saw the report card and asked to him,"Is it your signature", joy said(after a long moment of silence),"Yes sir, it's mine signature", after then everyone in the class started howling. Then their sir said(softly),"Boy, don't do such activites that would take you to jail". Then after some years completing graduation everyone separated out no one was knowing that where one has gone. As they were not having mobile phone , the...