
Showing posts with the label SPECIAL STORY

The Pregnant Deer

Once in a jungle, a pregnant deer was about to give birth to child. So she searched for a very good place for herself there was grass and a river bank to give birth to the child. Suddenly she started having labor pains. At this time, dark clouds gathered there and lightning started flashing. As soon as she looked towards the opposite side, a hunter was preparing to shoot her with an arrow. The lion was very hungry.  In such a situation, what would the pregnant deer do?when she started having heavy pains, on one side there was a fire in the  jungle and on the other side a river was flowing and at such a time she understood her priority to give  birth to a baby.There  were some incidents happened in such a way that lightning flashed and the hunter could not see anything, suddenly the arrow slipped out of his hand and start to move  towards the hungry lion because heavy rain had started fire of the jungle extinguished and the deer gave birth to a very healthy and b...

Blessings of life

If you have these things then you are the richest person of the world. If you value these things then you can achieve success in life. Time-Time is priceless .If you have time then it is the most valuable treasure. By using time properly, you can definitely achieve success in life. If you have time then you are the richest person in the world. 1.Health- If you are healthy then you have everything. If you have health then a person is ahead in every aspect of life. 2.Mental peace- If you have mental peace then you are very lucky because some people have physical peace but not have mental peace. Having mental peace is a very big thing in itself.So stay happy always. 4.SUPRABHATAM- If you sleep at night and see the sun the next day then you are very lucky. It is God's biggest blessing on you that not only you are fine but also everyone around you are alive(like your father mother,sister & brother)So being alive is the biggest fortune. 5. Traveller- You are very lucky that you...

True Wealth

Today, I am telling you one short incident related to Guru Nanak ji.   Once upon a time , one person asked to Guru Nanak ji that why am I  so poor? Please give me answer of my question?  Guru Nanak ji said that you are poor because you have not learn to give. That person said that but I have nothing to give. Then Guru Nanak ji said that   , your beautiful face  can give one smile, your mouth can do praise someone,you can say  two good words to give relief someone, your hands can do help to  needy person. But you are saying that you have nothing to give.   If your soul is poor then it is called true poorness.  When you can give then you  have  right to get. So  never say to yourself poor . God have gave  more than one quality to everyone to earn or to-save his life.So always say to god- TERA BHANDA MEETHA LAAGE. It means that  oh!!! lord what you will give us ,we will except  with our bo...

The Pitcher

Once a man was trying to build his house  for many years but was not able to get it built, for this he went to an astrologer and told his problem to the astrologer, then the astrologer said that your house will be built but for this you have to  You will have to do one thing, hang a pitcher crookedly on the tree🌳  and I assure you that within a short time your house will be built and all those difficulties which are coming in your way will be destroyed.   The man did the same to him. He first went and hung a pitcher on the tree with the help of a rope. After some time his house was built. He returned to the astrologer and said that because of you miracles  happened in my life .Sir,  Thank you very much, then the astrologer said, I have not done anything, all these are the blessings of the bird which has made its home inside the pitcher, you go to home and check your pitcher. The bird has made a nest in the pitcher and it kept giving you ...


Today I am telling you a small but deep  thought in a short story .  Once upon a time , mom and  her kid went to a koshop. Her kid wants to buy some chocolates. So  he  asked the shopkeeper. The Shopkeeper  kept a jar full of chocolates in front of him and said that he could take it on his own  . But the kid refused to take it. Then he said to the shopkeeper that please give me chocolates, I can't take it.  Then Shopkeeper gave  him chocolates full of hand.  Then the mother asked her child why you couldn't take your own, then the kid told her , mom !!  My hands are so small that if I take them from my hand then I get little chocolates .  So I thought  the shopkeeper's hands were so big So, I could take more chocolates with his hand . So ,I  told him to get me chocolates.    So , my buddy, you    will understand my point . My point is that God is just like that shopkeepe...

Diwali Celebrations

Sorry my post is a little late. But you know that there are some things that I want to share with you.  This Diwali I went shopping for some cute and necessary things.  I am showing some pics and you have to tell me  how it looks like?  Firstly I bought  a beautiful  and colorful ceramic wind chime for my drawing room.  Price was rs 500/-   Secondly I bought a big ceramic flowerpot  of rs 1000/- of black color but couldn't buy its artificial flowers. I bought some hand towels  too.  I bought some colorful reflective diyas. It looked very pretty  and it was easy to light them. The main thing is that when we lit these diyas it reflected the red, blue or yellow light.( Which colour the Diya has). I had tried this time a water candle on my own. I bought one pink ceramic jar, a tea set, three jars of white in color and these items  were perfect for my...


Holi is about to come, so why don't we make some herbal colours which are very good for our skin and they do not harm us in any way, if we use herbal colours then our environment remains pure too.  To make red colour, grind red hibiscus flowers petals or rose  petals after drying them in the sun and the dry colour red is ready.  Red gulal can be prepared by mixing it with rice flour.  Peel the beetroot and grate it and extract its juice and add it to a mixture of cornflour and talcum powder to make a pink colour.  Apart from this, boil pomegranate peels and mix them in 10 liters of water and add some lime and two spoons of turmeric to it.  Red colour will be ready.  Dry yellow colour can be made by mixing equal quantity of ground turmeric and gram flour.  Apart from this, yellow colour can also be prepared from marigold flowers, for this soak the leaves in water and yellow gulal can be prepared by filtering the yellow water and mixing it well in a...

All wrapped up

Once upon a time  It was the last session of the year for students of a famous hostel.  It was the time of Christmas. All students attended their last lecture. It was the last day and the teacher came to check how  empowered their students are. They wanted to know  how many children grasped the knowledge well and were they ready enough to start their journey of life.        Teacher said to the children," I want to give you something special on the occasion of Christmas. There are some boxes in the room, there is a slip on each and every box where  your name is written.One by one you all have to go inside and take the box on which your name is listed. There are special gifts for everyone in it.You will get a minute for it. "     Teacher wanted to check whether their children are well equipped with their teachings for their life or not. They wanted to know what  they had  learned from him...


Hii everyone. I know you all are busy celebrating Ganesh chaturthi. Lord Ganesha is the son of lord Shiva and Parvati. Ganesha is also known as modakpriya. On this occasion we offer modak, sweets and ladoos to ganesha. Do you know the reason  behind offering 21 modaks to lord Ganesha?  If yes, then  good but if not then this post is for you.  Do you want to know why ganesha likes modak? Now this is the story hidden behind this. In my view every hindu should be aware of his religion and culture.   There are two  famous stories about modakpriya Ganesha. Once lord Shiva, Parvati and lord Ganesha went to anusuya's home in the forest. Then Anasuya said that she will serve food  first to Ganesha than Shiva. She served ganesha with modaks while lord Shiva with only one. Ganesha  felt satisfied and burped once. After eating one modak lord Shiva burped 21 times. Therefore every ganesha chaturthi we offer 21 modaks to our lord. Once Ganesha...


 Today is Ram Navmi but the reason behind writing this post is that everywhere we see the number of girls has been reduced. Everyone needs girls for pujan but no one is interested in giving birth to a girl child. Today' need is a girl with a job, with whom everyone is ready to be married . Next point is that nowadays girls are happy with their job and lifestyle. They don't want to engage with anyone.Womens also want to do jobs.  They handle the kitchen, helping children with their studies,cleaning their home and all household chores . It is seen that their satisfaction is almost gone. My question to our society is that instead of all this work  done by ladies it is necessary for them to earn money and search for a job too? With this thought, the ladies mentality has been changed. She thinks that her value in social,and home will be increased by doing this . But this is not true. I want to say to each and every woman , please don't come under pressure. Live you...

Happy Holi

"Burn negativity & bring positivity In life.Celebrate this Holi With vibrant colours." H O L I H - Happiness O - Opportunity L - love I - inspiration According to me Holi is a festival of love, & happiness. There are many colours in 🌈 rainbow but if we look at only one colour it looks different but together whole colours make a beautiful rainbow.This is what holi is about. Rainbow is the beauty of the sky after rain. Holi gives us an opportunity to unite all religions .Holi ties all of us in one thread of love, gratefulness,smiles and uniqueness.Holi is a festival of colours ,it means festival of  uniqueness of one nation.So,i'm still in colour of love .The love of lord reminds us that after all we all are different from each other but instead of this we all are children of almighty ,and have different qualities like, patience,love, discipline,happiness, intelligence,hard work,innocence,power,peace, and endless qualities. Wishing you and your family,...

Is it the only option ?

Hi !! guys  !!   I am very sad to hear the news of war between Russia & Ukraine. I don't know how inhumane one can be. Does humanity  and  emotions exist? I have this question in my mind. Is there no solution instead of war ?Is there no bridge between  rivers which are flowing continuously? Will the devil  become heavy on humanity? Today, when  every country  wants to reach the top in the field of science, technology, and spirituality, we should understand that humanity  comes before everything. Firstly you are human then you are anything else. If humanity is dead then what differentiates you from animals. As spiritualist said -  "Only if individuals become peaceful, will the world be peaceful."  No matter what the reason is,peace should not be destroyed at any cost. So, if you have peaceful mind,smile on the face,freedom, fearlessness,then you can win everyone's heart 💓. You will become more successful and...


Hello 👋, guys. what's up in your life. Everything is good 😊 na? Two days before I celebrated valentine's day. This article is related to the process of how I made this day more special and interesting. "True love is not found but it is built."  Firstly I wanted to give  a special gift to my hubby. I searched for a gift on the Amazon website  but I found nothing special. I found one thing but it was very expensive and was not very useful. The price was around Rs.2000. Then I went to the market and bought a yellow t - shirt and got it gift wrapped. Then I bought a small valentine's card. At last I went to a pastry shop and bought two pastries and candles.  Then I reached home and did some preparations for a small celebration.  There is nothing special in it but small things bring happiness for a moment on the face. At night we ate the pastries  ,had dinner outside and went for a long drive 😊. In my view, we c...

How I celebrated my Diwali

I was a little busy during the festival of Diwali but today as you know I want to tell you something about the festival of lights called Diwali.   I  had started the day with small puja. We all sat together in the pujan and chanted mantras. I was feeling very good and light. You know mantras purifies home and lightens up the soul. I suggest that if you have any trouble   and have mental health issues then hawan is a great solution for that.  After hawan I decorated my home.  I have been cleaning my home for the last few days but today I wanted to give the final touches to my home. There were some things like hindola ,bandhanwar,flower arrangement,rangoli, lighting arrangements, candles and Ganesha idols which I had decorated my home with. We celebrated Diwali by buying sweets,gifts,and candles,diyas ,batasha,and kheel. We went to our relatives' home ,burnt some pollution free crackers. At 6...