Is it the only option ?

Hi !! guys  !! 

 I am very sad to hear the news of war between Russia & Ukraine. I don't know how inhumane one can be. Does humanity  and  emotions exist? I have this question in my mind. Is there no solution instead of war ?Is there no bridge between  rivers which are flowing continuously? Will the devil  become heavy on humanity? Today, when  every country  wants to reach the top in the field of science, technology, and spirituality, we should understand that humanity  comes before everything. Firstly you are human then you are anything else. If humanity is dead then what differentiates you from animals.

As spiritualist said -

 "Only if individuals become peaceful, will the world be peaceful."

 No matter what the reason is,peace should not be destroyed at any cost. So, if you have peaceful mind,smile on the face,freedom, fearlessness,then you can win everyone's heart 💓. You will become more successful and  happy. So today's need is peace, not war.   We all don't want war and want to live a happy and kind life. 

It is said-

"Peace can  not be kept by force,  It can only be achieved by understanding."


 It's my prayer to God that -

"Make me an instrument of 

thy peace."

Please God!!!  save your children, save humanity,and give  wisdom ,and power of understanding one another.. 



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