It is common for a person to get up with sleeping swelling under the eyes, often on an important day, how to eliminate swelling, let's go. 1.Put the spoon in the freezer for some time and then keep eyes on it. 2.Remove cold strawberries again and cut into thin slices. Keep it around 5 to 10 minutes for the eyes. Alpha hydroxide found in strawberries will show swelling of the swelling by showing its effect. 3.Aloe vera contains high amounts of vitamin E and antioxidants, both nutrients immediately reduce the inflammation of the eyes, remove the gel from the aloe vera leaf and put it under the eyes and leave it for some time after 20 minutes wash with cold water . 4.Cucumber has a lot of potential to reduce inflammation. Keep the cucumber piece on the eyes for a while, eyes swelling will end. 5.Put the tea bags in hot water for 2minutes and remove it completely from the water and let it cool completely. Keep this tea bags on the eyes for some time, swelling w...