"A GOOD DEED BRIGHTEN A DARK WORLD." Once upon a time there used to be a king who had wild dogs. If the king wanted to punish any one, then the wild dogs were left and they used to scrape them. Once upon a time there was a small error from the minister itself, for which the king was very angry. He punished him. As a punishment, he ordered to leave the wild dogs on him and the minister. Recently, the minister got very upset and begged the king that I have served you a lot for 10 years and you couldn't give me a chance. I can prove myself innocent. Maharaj gave him 10 days to prove himself innocent. After 10 days when the dogs were released to punish him, all the wild dogs started shaking their tails and didn't harm him . The king was taken aback asked a question to the minister, what is this? Tell me?then the minister opened his secret. He said, Maharaj, the 10 days you gave me for deferment. In those 10 days I have served these wild ...