The face does not look tired only by hard work, if your face is exhausted then it needs some extra care. To keep the face fresh, add these things to your beauty routine too. LEMON FACE WASH In order to freshen up the face first, face should be washed with cold water and face wash. Most lemon added face wash is filled with freshness and cooling qualities. With the smell of such face wash, you will start feeling fresh again. Facial wash with lemon also cleans up the skin well. MAGIC OF COFFEE SCRUB To remove bacteria and dead skin from the skin it is necessary to scrub regularly. Use coffee for scrub. Antioxidants in the coffee will make the face shine by removing dead skin and making the blood flow better. Do MASSAGE FROM OLIVE OIL Massage puts magical effect on the skin. Olive oil is very good for massage because it contains plenty of antioxidants in the face, always massage from the bottom to top in the face, at least 20 minutes after massage, face with cold water. Wash...