Dates are very nutritious, they are made from fiber. . There are many benefits of eating it. You should consume fresh date in the winter season. Let us tell you about its different benifits. 1.If people who have anemia, eat four-five dates daily, then their hemoglobin increases, which means that the date increases the hemoglobin. 2. By eating dates, bones are strengthened. Magnesium is found in high amounts in date dates, it works in the possibility of arthritis of bones. 3.By eating dates cooked in milk, memory also increases and brain starts functioning better. 4.There is no complaint of acidity by eating dates, if two dates are cooked well in a glass of milk and eat in the morning then the body also gets strength. 5. If there is a complaint of constipation, soak dates in milk and drink it an hour before bedtime. 6.Drinking date milk brings strength to pregnant women, weakness is not felt because there is nothing much glucose in it . It is very bene...