It's time for sharing information about last four spices. FENNEL SEEDS We use fennel seeds from long time .It is used for taste and digestion. The fennel seeds water is useful for hot stomach. It has many beneficial medical virtues. Some benefits are 1. Helps regulate blood pressure 2. Reduces water retention 3. Reduces Asthma symptoms 4. Helps purify blood 5. Improves eyesight 6. Keeps cancer away 7. Contains calcium 8. High in iron 9. Eliminate bad breathe 10. High in antioxidants 11. Good source of fiber 12. Delays wrinkles 13. Used for weight loss CINNAMON It is used for taste and fregrance. It is used in rice and oter vegetables. It increases the taste of food. It is used for purify the throat. It is beneficial for heart patients. The oil of cinnamon is used for tooth ache and stomach pain. But it should be used in specific limits either it could be harmful. It's oil is harmful for eyes. Some benefits are 1.cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants ...