It's time for sharing information about last four spices.

We use fennel seeds from long time .It is used for taste and digestion. The fennel seeds water is useful for hot stomach. It has many beneficial medical virtues. Some benefits are
1.  Helps regulate blood pressure
2. Reduces water retention
3. Reduces Asthma symptoms
4. Helps purify blood
5. Improves eyesight
6. Keeps cancer away
7. Contains calcium
8. High in iron
9. Eliminate bad breathe
10. High in antioxidants
11. Good source of fiber
12. Delays wrinkles
13. Used for weight loss


It is used for taste and fregrance. It is used in rice and oter vegetables. It increases the taste of food. It is used for purify the throat. It is beneficial for heart patients. The oil of cinnamon is used for tooth ache and stomach pain. But it should be used in specific limits either it could be harmful. It's oil is harmful for eyes. Some benefits are

1.cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants
2. It has anti-inflammatory properties
3. May cut the risk of heart diseases
4. Can improve sensitivity to the harmone insulin
5. Lowers blood sugar & has a powerful anti diabetic effect
6. Keeps cancer away
7. Helps in fight bacterial & fungal infections
8. Fight the HIV virus
9. Boost functioning of brain
10. Lowers cholesterol levels
11. Boosts immunity system


It is an important part of Indian spices. It has medical benefits. It is used as stomach pain,cold,and cough. It can be used for long time by putting it in ghee. Some benefits are

1. Relieve arthritis pain
2. Improves digestion
3. Improves dental health
4. Lowers cholesterol level
5. Aids in weight loss
6. Treats skin disorder
7. Improves the function of kidney
8. Detoxify the body
9. Ensure good bone health
10. Cure tooth ache
11. Used in treating dandruff
12. With milk will induce good sleep at night
13. Removes acne and pimple marks from skin


 It's also use for tempering.It has medical virtues. It can control blood  related problems. It is hot and healthy. We can improve our stomach pain , stomach worm, and joint pain by using this. Some benefits are

1. Balance cholesterol
2. Soothe upset stomach and digestive problems
3. Reduces menstrual cramps
4. Reduces appetite
5. Reduces fat mass
6. Maintain liver and kidney health
7. Soothe muscle pain
8. Reduces fever
9. To enhance milk production in new mother's.
10. Controls diabetes
11. Cures constipation
12. Minimize symptoms of menopause

If you like these information about Indian spices then stay connected and subscribe my blog Ray Of Hope.

Till then bye.

Keep smiling and always stay fit.........


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