Blessings of life

If you have these things then you are the richest person of the world. If you value these things then you can achieve success in life.

Time-Time is priceless .If you have time then it is the most valuable treasure. By using time properly, you can definitely achieve success in life. If you have time then you are the richest person in the world.

1.Health- If you are healthy then you have everything. If you have health then a person is ahead in every aspect of life.

2.Mental peace- If you have mental peace then you are very lucky because some people have physical peace but not have mental peace. Having mental peace is a very big thing in itself.So stay happy always.

4.SUPRABHATAM- If you sleep at night and see the sun the next day then you are very lucky. It is God's biggest blessing on you that not only you are fine but also everyone around you are alive(like your father mother,sister & brother)So being alive is the biggest fortune.

5. Traveller- You are very lucky that you can go from one place to another and can travel and can enjoy your life. You are fine and are enjoying the journey of life. It is the biggest blessing that you are able to go from one place to another. Nowadays many people are suffering from many  diseases like depression and they do not have the ability to go from one place to another.Therefore you are blessed one.

6. Love- If there is love, purity, joy and happiness in your life, then you are very lucky. Love will prove to be a priceless boon given by God to you. So, if these things are present in your life, then consider yourself very lucky.

7. Roti ,Kapda Aur Makaan- If you have two meals a day, clothes to wear and a roof to live under, then consider yourself very lucky because there are many people in the world who do not have all these things. So, learn to value things and do not forget to thank God.


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