The Pitcher

Once a man was trying to build his house  for many years but was not able to get it built, for this he went to an astrologer and told his problem to the astrologer, then the astrologer said that your house will be built but for this you have to  You will have to do one thing, hang a pitcher crookedly on the tree🌳  and I assure you that within a short time your house will be built and all those difficulties which are coming in your way will be destroyed.  

The man did the same to him. He first went and hung a pitcher on the tree with the help of a rope. After some time his house was built. He returned to the astrologer and said that because of you miracles  happened in my life .Sir,  Thank you very much, then the astrologer said, I have not done anything, all these are the blessings of the bird which has made its home inside the pitcher, you go to home and check your pitcher. The bird has made a nest in the pitcher and it kept giving you blessings for the whole year.  Because of this you have got the happiness of home today.

So from this story we learned that we should do good to others, whatever we do to others, nature returns it back to us, hence because the bird's nest was easily made, it gave its blessings to the person who had hung the pitcher on the tree🌳.  Therefore, always remain engaged in good deeds and help others.There is a special reason of our life.


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Have a nice👍 day.


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