Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹, guys. what's up in your life. Everything is good ๐Ÿ˜Š na? Two days before I celebrated valentine's day. This article is related to the process of how I made this day more special and interesting.

"True love is not found but it is built."

 Firstly I wanted to give  a special gift to my hubby. I searched for a gift on the Amazon website  but I found nothing special. I found one thing but it was very expensive and was not very useful. The price was around Rs.2000. Then I went to the market and bought a yellow t - shirt and got it gift wrapped. Then I bought a small valentine's card. At last I went to a pastry shop and bought two pastries and candles.

 Then I reached home and did some preparations for a small celebration.

 There is nothing special in it but small things bring happiness for a moment on the face.

At night we ate the pastries  ,had dinner outside and went for a long drive ๐Ÿ˜Š.

In my view, we can  make our life more 

enthusiastic and special by adding some spices in life. 

You are number one !!!

In my heart,

In my soul and

In my life ๐Ÿ’ž.

These spices are very necessary and small things bring happiness in life.

In this relationship of husband & wife, some  surprises are made by each , make changes in life which is what everyone wants. In my last lines I want to say..

          Without you I am nothing

          With you ,I am something

          Together, we are everything.


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