D O L L - An inspirational story

I want to  say happy women's  day to all the women power of world, and today I met with two beautiful girls who are struggling and definitely coping with their circumstances bravely.  Ranjana and Kiran are two girls from the village Masaunpur of  state Kanpur.
     There are five daughters and two son of their parants.Their father sold saris in Kanpur but he was looking for a good job as the income was not sufficient for satisfying hunger of his family. After some time he started doing a job of selling parrots made of foam. He went to many states to sell out these hand made parrots. Still the family was struggling with financial issues.
Once he went to Calcutta (present day Kolkata) for some work and bought  one doll for his loving daughter. The doll was not only pretty but also was reasonable in price.
Then his daughters took some parts out of the doll and observed the construction of the dolls
     Then they got an idea that why can't they make dolls like that and sell them out. They tried many time but the dolls didn't get the finished work that they wanted. They took fifteen years to make those dolls look beautiful.

 Then their father sold those dolls on the street and this improved their financial state.
But those dolls were made up of only jute, no dress no makeup. After some years they got another idea and thought that why don't they dress up the dolls like us.
    After a great effort one day one person who was from a news paper came to their father who was selling dolls on street and gave an idea to him to take their art of making dolls up to the high level.
      He gave an address to him and then after some procedure they got an artigen card from that place. Now they can go in different exhibitions and fates for selling their dolls.

   Meanwhile, both girls were getting training from Kaushal udyog kendra and  were also completing  their schooling.
Both girls are trying to improve the conditions of their home.
Now the magical hands of Ranjana and  Kiran had made many dolls like, Radha, Meera bai, Krishna, and the dolls OF BHARAT MATA as you can see in the picture below.

      Now after fifteen years they  have been awarded by our CM Yogi Adityanath.
They were also awarded by Akhilesh Yadav (the previous CM of UP).

    Recently they have kept  some  dolls for national award.
There conditions are improving slowly.
 So, the efforts of these hardworking girls is now appreciated by everyone.. I want to give a big salute to these girls for their hard work and heart full of enthusiasm.
   I want to say something to the readers of RAY OF HOPE, that you should try your best in your life. Because if you  have passion and doing work hard then no one can block your way of progress.

    If you like my story then please subscribe and share your favorite blog RAY OF HOPE.
, I want to request you that don't give up  because life is valuable and defeat your problems and keep one thing in your mind that no problem is bigger then you. If  something is in you then you can achieve anything in the world,then whether it is money or not.
    I will bring new story in my next blog till then bye.
   Keep smiling and keep reading.. 


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