

हर दिन  तुम्हारा , शाम तुम्हारी |              यादें  तुम्हारी,  बातें  तुम्हारी | दिलासा दिलाना,  यूँ पास आना |              अब भी  गूँजती हैं,  आवाजें  तुम्हारी |   यूँ मिलना तुम्हारा,  सरेआम मुझसे |              दिल बयान  करता है  ,  दास्तानें तुम्हारी रास्तों से मेरे यूँही गुजरना तुम्हारा  |              अफसाने तुम्हारे  , निशानी हमारी | कौन जाने दिलों की बातें हमारी |               तुम हो  हमारे,  और मैं हूँ  तुम्हारी | खामोशियाँ  हैं  दरमयान हमारे  |               फासलें तुम्हारे,  परेशानियाँ हमारी| खिलना गुलों का,  रास्तों पर तुम्हारे |                कैसे कहूँ ,मेहरबानियाँ तुम्हारी | क्यूँ  मिले हैं  तुमसे, ये खुदा ही जाने|                है  अनहोनी  कोई, ये  जुदाई हमारी|


This story was of that time when there was war of India and Pakistan. That time there was my aunt living in India and that time there was division of India and Pakistan, so there was loot at that time and places and this same happened with my aunt but..... she saved herself. But how??????  To know about this read further.  So she was watching TV so she heard a strange sound which was not familiar to her that was like something drdrdrdrdrdrdr!!!?! That voice  surprised her so what was there??? Yes, a thief or we can say some mischievous   persons with weapons in their hands like  knives  gun and  Stick   .she was afraid ,because  she was alone in the room. Her hand was shivering  .But at  this moment  a great  idea click  in her mind.   So she got an idea to do a drama. And that drama saved her life My aunt  was very intelligent  and this  was last opportunity  for her,  because  no one was there to save  her life  .So she started saying when my marriage  will


                 है मौसम आज बड़ा सुहावना,      दिल में  है  कुछ,  करने  की  चाहना |                  आसमानो को छूने  की  कामना,        सिर उठाकर जीने की  भावना |                  करना है  मुझे  तूफानो का सामना,        चट्टानो को तोड़ गिराना   |                  सुननी है  हृदय की कराहना  ,        अब नहीं  चलेगा कुछ और  बहाना|                  कर के  है दुनिया  को दिखलाना,         तब ही सुनेगे  हम किसी  की  सराहना (If there is any photo related you. And you want to remove it so old tell us on comments)


Can I have some medicines DOCTOR?? This line may surprise you. But why?  Because my story of today is about a man whom I never  forgotten. This is story of that time when I was young and small. The man's name was ANKUR he was an 👵 old doctor in that time. He was very good and helpful. He and his wife lived in a small cottage. Now,  this line may also surprised you because a doctor living in a cottage. There was some reason. To more about it read further  story. In the morning walking to shop DR. ANKUR. All saying hi!! to Doctor. He opened the shutter of the shop and in few minutes a big line gathered there and he started giving medicines to all.  Now there was all type of people like poor and rich.  Now you are thinking that why poor on the shop. Because he gives medicine in low cost like five  or two rupees and his medicine was so effective. If in night someone got fever so everyone go to his home and at that time he wake up  and gives medicine. He was a person  o


Rising and falling is part of our life,   If there is any confusion, Choose wrong or right, Do your work till day and night I am telling you that your , Future is bright 🔆,  You got my words that what ,  I Want to say,                          And I want that you should always , Be on your way,  If you fall,  then give me a call I am here for helping you, Helping you ,for me it is a treasure, And it is always  my pleasure.           (if there is any picture related you and you want to remove it so please to us on comments we will remove  it)


HEY! Today I am going to write story about a man who never lost his hope. That man was suffering from a great pain. To know what was the great pain from which this man was suffering read the further story. He was working in a office and his income was 50000 per month. He worked a lot and he went out of the state  and sometime out of the country. He was living  in our society and he daily do exercise and we the children of the socitey loved him a lot. He also goes to temple and for walk daily. He also loved animals that's why he also made a pet dog. He daily took that dog for a walk daily. From many days he was not comming to park, so we all went to his home. We knocked the door, DDDDDDDD! But the door was already opened then we all children ran to his room. When we entered the room  we saw that he was sitting and reading a 📖 book. Then we all asked to him why you were not comming to park. The he removed the blanket and we saw that on one of his leg there was a plastic leg we


    यह  जीवन  तो,एक राती हैै           किंतु  मेरे सपनो की  बाती है     सपने हैं  शिखऱो  से ऊँचे,  किंतु            हैं   उस गगन से नीचे  ,      मेरे सपनो के है  ,यही उदेश            कर सकू  स्वयं  को  अच्छे,       कामो मे  निवेश,  हे ईश्वर            मुझको  शक्ति  देना, प्यारे       देश  के  हेतु,  भक्ति  देना, भले             न कर सकू  कुछ ऐसा  अनोखा         पर मार्ग  से न तू डिगने देना            आज यही  करती हूँ  मैं   प्रण,          नहीं  रोटी  गरीबो की  दूँगी              मैं  छिन,  आज भले कुछ खो,          जाऊँगी, किंतु  मृत्यु  से  पहले  कुछ                कर जाऊँगी.  मेरी यही कामना         है  दिल में,  है ईश्वर  कर दो भारत                 नवमय,  जिसमे हो  गांधी,  नेहरू          के सपने और नवयुवको का हो  जीवन                  मृदुमय.  साथ  ही  हो मेरे  सपनो           का भी  निर्माण. ,मेरे  भारत  के  गले                    में  पड़े,  जयमाल ||