I am talking  about those days when we were going to Bombay for some reason. There are one Aunty and her daughter are also with us.  Both were sweet by nature.  We were talking together on the current whether of Bombay. After a long time I met a person who was very nice and interested in telling   her experiences about the life . I  wish that you would like my story about a  brave and  strong  mother as like daughter .For me they both were true fighters and had rough and tough  life in our society.
              A lovely family members who had a beautiful and inspiring words for me.
             Aunty premlata ji had  one baby child . When she was about two years  there was some problem in her birth. Doctor   diagnosed that there was some liquid
in her head. So they decided to dry it by medical treatment and by some medicines. Chinki 's head was some big comparatively.  They taught her how to walk.  But she was not able to walk because she was not able to balance her head, there was heavy weight head didn't allow to walk or play or do work independently. Now Chinki was about eighteen years old , but she afraid  about that part because she knew that she need help for doing everything. But now she have improved, but this problem have made home in her mind.She was now matriculate (10th  pass). Her father's had one shop of confectionery. But  some mischievous people (we  can say his enemies) burned his shop and he never forgotten this  incident   for whole life.he shocked and get  disturbed by his mind. He was not perfect in health. He didn't neither talk or nor show interest in any kind of activities.  Chinki  had not left her courage. She took care of her dad and completed her studies. His dad did only eat drink and sleep like a little baby and became quiet.After watching this position of  her dad , no one can say that he was alive by his mind and heart. He was not living his life, but almost passed his life. Slowly she established a shop, she was not fully engaged in her shop as she was taking care of his father. Her mother is now working in meditation center.Chinki was not very beautiful but she was kind and gentle by heart .Her qualities and passion of doing special for everyone is apretiative.

. Now a days she  is handling her confectionery businesses and had take a good standing in society.Premlata ji also doing social service which is a good step taken by Premlata ji a merciful person, a great mom having  a daughter of charming personality 😇😇.So we also should not lost hope in any condition, because life is full of challenges and magic of nature. Nobody knows what will happen tommorow. Live love, live life live every moment,and keep smiling.
Because difficult time give many experiences and teaches how we have to come over from problems .
     " Sunshine and rain
           Smile again and again."

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