It's end  of December and beginning
        of new year. There are many little
        dreams in the eyes of everyone for
         NEW year. As you know that the last
        month is December which is mirror
        of the last year.ln this year we have to
        do lots of things , which we could not
        do in the last few years. Now it's time
        for, checking inside our hearts that
        what we get or what we have lost in
        the last few years. Frankly speaking,
        we have lost three sixty five days ,in
        working, eating, sleeping, playing,and
        little bit in enjoying parties, gossiping
        and shopping.
                     Today is  time of 🤖 robot, fast
        moving mashine ,and computer.
        All of us know that in this fast moving
        life ,we have also move fast to operate
        these mashine . For this we have to
        keep updated,and this is not  easy job
        for one person who already loaded
        with their pasts.So everyone knows,
        that for climbing on the hill,we should
         have  minimum baggage with us. so
        to uplifting ourselves, it's necessary to
        remember our old but gold experiences
        and remove those thoughts which can
        harm us and definitely  pull us
                   To  achieve success we should
        accept that there's yoga and meditation
        is needed to get happiness in our lives.
        Instead of these ,schedule of life should
        be  disciplined and enjoying each and
        every moment of life and work is also
        can change our future.
                   To celebrate New year, make
        your mind and soul , filled with love,
        purity, joy , happiness,and empty from
        hatred, difficulties , telling lie, jealous,
        bad experiences, something like talks,
        which you cannot forget.
                    New year means not only the
        beginning of new story but beginning
        of those stories  who are trying but do
        not defeat by worst circumstances .
                    So,  there's some small but
        important thing to be consider is that
        we have to forgive, and forget,those
        things on which we couldn't  find                     solution.
         To , go further, it's necessary jump in t
        the sea weather you can swim or not,
        because,friends this is NEW YEAR,
        waves will preach you that how can
        you swim in a wide sea of desire
        without stopping and without being
                  This is the best time for us to live
          each and every single moment  with
         spreading love and humanity
         everywhere.Friends,you have to look
         forward with enthusiasm and forgot
         Your past failure. Do your job ,with
         devotional attitude.Best of luck!!!!!!





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