Some times we do notice that,we want earn more than what we are earning.We want to do some special things from which we become famous and more happy. But in our
society there are many types of people from them ,we learn how we have to live our lives without spending  more money.
          Today , life is full of challenges and efforts. In this machine arena , I met one person,who was simply trying to get some money for fulfilling his daily needs. You are shocked,na, because in this world , where we see engineer, doctor, businesses man, shopkeeper, merchant, teacher, there are kind of interesting people also in this world. These people have small world and small dreams, little money and high thinking. Instead of worst conditions,they fight  with firm will power. You would be surprised to know that I  am talking about a person who is a special one.
                   Once a time there was a girl who was eighth baby child of one lady. His husband don't want girl. He  wanted one boy child because he had seven girls already.  Without telling her wife he sold that girl child for five thousand  to a person named Ankit.
           Ankit  who was a very poor  person and did his own work. Ankit made an instrument by his hand  , which was not very durable,but he get some money by selling his art of making that instrument. Ankit sold  this and he maintained his necessary needs of his family. He   felt great pleasure in look after this baby child.
 He was a person of great heart. Ankit earned Three hundred rupees everyday. When he brought her in his small Hut, he was happy . As well as time passed he made these instruments and went to town side and sold in very low price . Children bought and used it like a toy.  Slowly slowly he went to different type of fairs and after a long time his art of making this instrument was famous in the foreign countries. He sold these items in markets also.When the girl child came in his life, he became more hard working ,comparatively before. And  he believed that she was lucky for him .

He sold his items but not his art because today he sold his hand made instruments direct to people who appreciate and liked his art. He didn't sell them to shopkeeper or to a big showroom because Ankit believed that his fate is connected with that girl. She was not only a girl but a  dhan lakshmi for Ankit.
      Soon he became a prominent and wealthy person.
     As you know,selling and buying a child is a crime. As well as ankit did crime........but why then we showed ankit hero of our this blog. There's a secret there. What do you think ???? Write down in comment below or e mail us.

He fought a case for that girl as he was not having enough money earlier. Yeah that's why he started working harder for the girl.

He bought the girl because that man was throwing that girl in garbage dump. Ankit stopped the man but that man not stopped ankit was not having any other way to save girl child so he bought that girl child. He knew that it's a crime to buy a child but there was no way other than this.
He won the case against the man . The girl was given back to the mother. He also paid a fine for the crime he did . As Ankit was a truthful man but poor earlier but now not. He was awarded with a prize and was included in a well known movement named :
He still continued his work and named his company of this instrument the name of that girl.

We should salute man like ANKIT for doing                          such a work.With the help of his hand made instruments ,he could do such a wonderful job and could save a girl child. Do you know ? Five hundred rupees were  his life long savings ,from which he could take this super decision in a very short period.



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