At this time we are looking a type of children who are taking
interest in playing and enjoying mobile phones. They don't play with toys which is very harmful for our upcoming  generation. Nobody knows, what is right or wrong and how we can overcome it,but this is very great problem.

      A child whose mind is not fully developed and this is time of learning for him and we give a computer like mobile in his / her hands.l think it is very dangerous for  the future of our children. A long time ago ,our children slept by Lori or inspiring stories told by mother,grand mother or Nani . In the morning we said ram ram ji or Hari Om or namaste or good morning but at this time children get up not with a innocent smile ,but a smile for mobile or Television. Can we find what is the reason behind their smile ? Oh!!! Yes why not? It's mobile my friend. In that days a child had habits of reading newspaper and books in library. Now a days we had lost these things in our lives .Nobody can change our world !!!!!....No it's wrong. One person can change  one thing  that is herself. Parents took interest in playing basketball, badminton ludo, snake and ladders and talking to their children. Now it's opposite.We give our mobile and video games or saprate mobile to our children. They are free to watch what they want . We don't spend our quality time only for them.You can't imagine.. what would be the future of our country ,if children are doing this.
       They can't feed themselves and we have not time to feed them. It has become need of our children because without mobile they can't do their work now they are dependent.
  To overcome these problems of eating , talking, praying and giving respect to elders,we have to be aware and have to improve our lifestyle and have to give time
to our children. We have to do lot of hard work and  spend our time as their friend.
      Our children's heart,mind and posture are affected by using mobile. Today many more children are becoming depressed,mad and suffering  from the tension.Delhi AIIMS is
  provided treatment for children suffering from the decease caused by mobile. There is no specific time limit for using mobile .They have no relationship to his/ her mom,and dad but having the strong relationship with mobile phone. They're also some side effects of using mobile such as children's eyes  become weak and more dry. During playing games, their wrist and hands are also affected.
So if we want to be successful in any field or want to be free from dangerous results of using mobile phone,we have to  minimize the time limit of using mobile in home or out side and to be cautious  about it.

Stay fit and healthy, mentally and physically.

📱say no to mobile,but can use for a while.


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