Sheeter Lal baba
Hello friends!! How are you? I am fine but somewhere else someone is happy or sad. To the strength of soul we can say it  hope and this hope should be always there to live bravely and happily. In my view this is called RAY OF HOPE. A hope of light,a hope of sunshine,a hope of smile,a hope of life.
Sheetar Lal Baba
      Today I am introducing you a person who knows how to live life  confidently.  There was only a hope which is disguised in   his heart and thought that he may be successful to preserve our culture and carry out their art.

       Sheeter Lal Baba, whose story of living his life brought tears in my eyes. l want to share his circumstances and difficulties which he is facing. Please guys if there's any source ,to help him then comment down and please convey this message to government and save the culture of  India .
        He was  living in lagore  district of Rajasthan with his wife and five children. Now for searching a favourable job of showing puppet show in Agra he came here.
Puppet show of sheeter Lal baba
      He got a job in Mughal Shereton, a Hotel for showing puppet show there. As time passed the world had became more modernized .  Telephone , Television, Cinema,and DJ performances ,Singer performances and other things took place instead of our culture. PUPPET SHOW, which is always loving by our children was now no more existed at Mughal Shereton and other places. "Old is gold, but the golden colour of puppet show had faded."
Some puppet dolls made by Sheeter Lal Baba's wife.

Some of the dolls made by his wife.
      They removed them from their job.   Now, his job was no more existed  in the hotel.  For earning he went to many fairs and about Two thousand five hundred rupees was his monthly income. His expenditure on family and studies of his children was exceeded day by day. He was financially weak . His children studied in government school. His wife sewed puppets and his husband showed the show and sell them in rupees 300 hundred, 900 hundred.
          Sheetar Lal did their show and sometimes got Fifty or hundred rupees from people he showed the puppet show and some people see the show and went away without giving him money. He lives in the rental house. Many times he had requested to government of  Agra or Rajasthan, but government didn't replied to him.
Sheeter Lal Baba

Puppet made by Sheeter Lal Baba
         His children were not highly educated and remained back ward in all fields of life because of lack of income. Sheetar baba has no option to take his new generation  forward.
        He had not lost hope even being uneducated or his poor status of living. Today he is more enthusiastic and ambitious for his cultural arts and fragrance of soil of Rajasthan. He is fighting with his own will power and not lost his  Ray of hope.
        He said "Smile of children on the faces,who are watching their Puppet show,is only  the inspiration of his life." This smile preached him how to fight with law of life.  But one thing is right that OLD IS GOLD.  It is not only the purpose of his income but to preserve culture. Should we not help Sheetar Lal baba. In twenty four hours of a day ,can we try to spend some time to save our culture. On the other hand, children's childhood have become now more mature.
Hey Guys! If you want to preserve our culture and help Sheeter Lal baba by commenting down below and convey this message to government.



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