It was a beautiful  morning  and  I was preparing
  green tea for  me and my husband.  As  usual every morning  he needs  to read  news paper.

         Knock -  knock and the door  bell rings. Who is there? Oh!!  Uncle , your newspaper. Raghav  said  - "good morning  uncle".
        Oh!  Raghav  today you are  late , what happened?
He said , nothing  uncle.
     Raghav,   a boy of sweet  nature . Actually  he stolen  my heart  by his pleasing  personality and sweet voice  and lovely  behavior. He is  first  hawker  who is  close  to my heart. Raghav  is B.Sc.,M.Sc boy  about  23 years old. After  completing  his  education  he had started to take part in competitions of government  services. But  he  was  also  doing  a  part  time  job  to fight  with  financial  problems. He was not only intelligent   but hard working  boy.  One day it was  too hot . RAGHAV   was thirsty  and I gave  him a glass   of  water.  He said  that  today   is my  interview  for the  post of assistant in a reputed  firm because he had passed  written  exam  for this  post.
He was so hard working  boy that after a long  period  he got  this job  and became  successful  in the  competition.
  Now he is  so busy  but one thing  that  always  impress  me is his  attitude  about  his life . Now a days he did not leave  his job of bringing  news paper even he passed  the exams. He is working about  4 years.  Now  he  does  another  part time job in one clinic. So, at this time he is doing  three jobs. Wow!! What a strength he has.
        So, no job is  small,every job has its own  features  and values.  A job   of  bringing news papers as a paper  boy is not a very affordable  and reputable  job  but he earned money and fought  with difficult  circumstances  with this money.  In present  many  people get employment only by news paper.
           So,he did not lost his hope  and this part  time job  made  him successful and motivated  and talented  and  taught  him how to  overcome   from difficulties  in the  life. So, we  have to  defeat  our  negative  attitude of thinking   and should be full of positivity. RAGHAV  changed  his dream in reality.


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