India have some influential personalities  but our PM Narendra Modi  is a man of  courage,  compassion, conviction, dynamic,
dedicated , determined and people's  lovable and best leader.

 Actually his way of doing  work,  is easier,  open, transparent  and dependent on non violence. He born Sept 17 , 1950 in a small North Gujarat town  Vadenagar.

I  am very  influenced and take  seriously  every decision  of our PM. I hear his talks with democratic indians  in "MANN  KI  BAAT"monthly at sunday on Radio, TV, and on mobile . This  sincere leader  dedicated in solving  every small  and big problem and improving their well being.
Our PM is very  active on social  media, including  Facebook, Twitter  Google +, Instagram, Sound cloud, LinkedIn, Weibo, other forums. He begins  his  day with  yoga,and also takes challenges  which are popular  on media also. His ideas of taking  decisions  are much  interesting and influential. We watched  movies but now it is very proud moment to take standing  position  on national Enthem ( Jan Gan Man)  in every  cinema  hall for every  individual in India.  It's  because  of  our government ruled by Mr.  Narendra Modi.

This  is myth that our PM is illiterate. Instead of  this  we should concentrate  on the  qualities of our true leader and energetic , patriot Narendra  Modi. He is  intelligent and capable of taking right  decisions  for  our nation.
 There are a lot of successful persons who  succeeded despite of their weak educational  profile.
Now the time to know  about his popularity in India and abroad .
1. On centenary celebration of shri Poona  GUJARATI Badhu Samaj-Our  PM was conferred with  Gujarat  Raina Award at Gareth Kala krida Manchester.

2.The computer Society  of India bestowed him the e-Ratna Award.

3. In 2009 FYI magazine honoured him as ASIAN WINNER OF  FRI personality of the  year  award.

4.In 2014 "Time 100" list of  most influential people  in the world, MODI became the most  followed  Asian Leader on Twitter  in 2014.

5.Forbes rated Modi as the 15 th most  powerful  person  in world in 2014.

6.He is one of the very  few politicians  of India to  be featured on  cover of  Time Magazine  of its Asian Edition.

7.In2006 India  Today conducted  a nation wide survey that declared  him as the Best Chief Minister of India.

As a classical writer  he had  written  many  books  which are treasures for  young generations.
2. Abode of  love
3. Premtirth
4 Kelve  Te  Kelavani
6.Samajik Samarasata

He talks  always  about  peace, abandonment, sacrifice,  Unity, in his program   "MANN  KI BAAT" .
I am also influenced  by his  GST implementation scheme.  Today the dream fulfilled  By  GST or ( One country one tax)  movement of 130 crore Indians.  GST is an implementation  is called " celebration of honesty". It has been taken One year for  completion.  It is  a scheme to remove  poverty  by honesty .
  He has made  many yojnas for the  progress and happiness of  each and every Indian .  These are-

1. Pradhanmantry  Jan Dhan  yojna
2. Swatch bharat mission
3. Ujjwala yojna
4. Krishi  sichai  yojna
5. Fasal  beema  yojna
6. Pahal  log subsidy
7. Mudra  bank  yojna
8. Kaushl  Vikas yojna ( to provide  skill training to young workforce)
9. Sansad  Adarsh  gram  yojna
10.Make in India
11.gareeb  Kalyan  yojna
12.E basta  ( online  learning forum)
13.Sukanya samridhi  yojnay
14.Pade  bharat,  badhe  bharat
15.DDU (Garmin  kausalya  yojna)
16.Nai  manjil  yojna
17.Stand up India (support to women &  SC/St entrepreneurs )
18.Atal pension  yojna
19.Prdhanmantri  surksha  beema you a (insurance  against  accident)
20.Sagar Mala project
21.Smart Cities project
22.Purban mission  (modern facilities  in villages).
23.Prdhanmantri  Awas  yojna
24.Jan Aushadhi  scheme
25.Digital  India.(Digilocker security  documents online)
26.School nersary  yojna
27.Gold monetisation ( scheme  involve gold stocks lying idle in households in economy)

Our PM went to many International tours for progression  perposes like-
Mexico, US, Qatar, Switzerland Afghanistan, Iran,  Saudi  Arabia, Russia,  Singapore , Malaysia, UK, United  Arab  Emirates,  Uzbekistan,  Kazakhstan,  , Kyrgyzstan,  Tajikistan, Bangladesh, Korea, Mongolian,
China, Canada, Germany, France, Mauritius and Sri Lanka, Brazil, Nepal, Fiji, Australia, Myanmar,  Japan, Bhutan,  etc.

Few initiatives that  received thumbs up from everyone.
1. FDI  policy
2.Reform bills
3.Cleanliness campaign
4.Digital India initiative
5.Budget was a big hit.
6. The WTO stand
7.Bilateral  relations via SAARC, BRICS.

According to me there is no  other  person in this country  who is serving the country  like  him.  He is working  selflessly. He has no family, I mean no family  member lives with  him.  He left  his  family when he joined  as pracharak..
  Words of our PM Narendra  Modi -
"For me poverty in a way was first inspiration of my life , a commitment  to  do something  for  the  poor. "

" Together  with  all, Progress for all "

" The diversity of  India of our civilization is actually a thing of  beauty which is something  ,we are  extremely  proud of  "

" My philosophy,  the  philosophy   of my party and philosophy  of my government  is what I call

He is great, and good leader and human being.
In his government  ""  Sri Lanka  President, MAITHI PALASIRISEMA   who has improved  ties with India. ""

One thing is clear  that we all love  you  so much. So, we need  a leader,  an instructor and strong  and good human being like you.  Respected  PM we can't  find a great PM like you. Love you Sir.🙏✌️✌️✌️



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