Mr. Walia was a best friend of my father. They'd work together in a Bank. This is true story which  I am sharing with you today. Mr Walia was a gentle person and God fearing man. He worked hard. He went to satsang every Saturday and Sunday. He helped  , poor and needy persons. He also joined NGO's and he was living his life happily with his family.He  devoted his whole life in the government service of Bank. Once upon a time there was the marriage of her daughter and Mr Walia was very busy in the arrangements of her daughter's marriage. For this he  wanted to take holiday of two or three days. But unfortunately his time of retirement was also very close. So, he can't take a single holiday for anything.
    One day he was doing preparations and handling all those things which were very important for his family. But side by side he went to office for his attendance on the register . For some reason he couldn't 't go to office. He was very afraid because his long life pension was dependent on report
of the duty of last days.
When his daughter had married and he was very unsatisfied for his attendance register because he knew that he could not attend office one day and his attendance will be short. So, he was sad and afraid for his retirement.
   Next day he went to office with halfheart.
Then he saw his signature of that day in the register. He was very shocked and can't understand that who has, done his sign in his office register because he was absent on that day. Then he went to his colleagues and ask him that who has done this for him. 
    Every one was shocked that why is he asking this type of question. According to them only one person can do his sign that is himself Mr Walia.
     . It is strange to be know that God came for him in the office and signed the register and helped him and save his life after long hard work, his report and and save his pension. And nobody can recognize him because God came in his appearance. 

So,the moral of the story is that God  helps those who helps themselves. It means that Mr Walia was an honest man. God left a beautiful and unforgettable thing for him that is a pen. From that day Mr. Walia keep that special pen with him always . He believes that this pen is blessings of God for him and this incident and the love of God will always remain in his memory.

 Have faith in God because he is with every one on any kind of difficult time and he shows his love and mercy on each and every step taken by his children. 

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