Once upon a time I saw a girl walking on a rope which was tie between the two thick sticks.  She holded one stick in her hand and walked on a long rope confidently. Her name was Radha having this art of walking without any support. His father was very poor and mother was illiterate. She has one little baby also. Radha shows her art and get some money for food and his father was  a farmer. So, that they manage their expenditure.
         So, what is the life story of Radha ? Are you excited to know about her life and her earnings. Let me tell you about Radha and her journey of life.
        One day Radha was doing walk on the rope on the street, unfortunately one car passed away. She was expert in her work and one person was shocked to see her struggling and her way of walking . He was impressed. So, he left his card in her plate of money. She don't know he was a jimnastic coach. To see her art, he was speechless and want to help her. He was seeking a new  player and was imagining an image of good player in her. This card will make her fortune because of her good luck.
     When she came back to home , she gets this card then she saves this card in her purse because she was thinking that this is something new for her.

     After some time she got married with an aged person for some poor financial conditions. Only six months she remains there and came back. She couldn't manage her life with that man.

       Radha's father was realizing that his decision was wrong. In her village she liked an other person and he also loved her.His name was Ranbhuvan.
   One day Radha went to rambhuvan with this card. Radha was hard working and ambitious girl. She wanted to know that what is it and for what purpose?
      Rambhuvan was educated boy and he read a phone number of the Jimnastic Coach. Then she met him.
    Shahid sir, a great coach taught him how to mould and roll her body. He told  some tricks about the jimnastic because he know that her body was flexible and perfect to learn. Shahid sir did not take any fee for that but he wanted to fulfill her dream. He wanted to send her as a contestant from India for tournament.
     After some time she was prepared to show her  jimnastic in the front of world. As a interpretator Shahid  sir played a best role for both, future of India and Radha.
     At last she won an bronze medal and third position in the Olympic games. She came back to her village and married with rambhuvan, her backbone.
    Because his father was poor, so he gave thousand plants to her daughter in her marriage.
  Radha won a great amount of money and spent this money in  making toilets and growing plants in village and on the field of her father.
       So, moral of this story is that do your hard work and left result on God. You can make  your fate by choosing a right path. There is no need of source or money for success because One big source is one and only a God,who is watching you all time. So, wait and watch, only one moment can change your life. Lit a spark of doing something in your soul and go for it. One day you will get your own way of light.

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             " Keep smiling and spread your light 
               of soul in the whole world . "


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