Sandal wood is a best medicine for skin.If your skin is dry then sandal wood is  best treatment for your skin because of his  antibiotic quality. Continous use of sandal wood gives soul to your burn , dry and dead skin. So, today I am telling you about the benifits of sandal wood and how can we get glow on our face.


Sandal wood is a best treatment for black heads. Take one big spoon  essential oil and mix one pinch of turmeric powder and camphor. Apply this on your face and leave it for whole night.In the morning, wash your face . You will see the difference on your face. Continous use of this pack, will give you clean, spotless skin and will reduce your black head day by day.

I will give you next idea to remove black heads.
Take one big spoon of sandal wood powder and in it you have to mix one small spoon of coconut oil and lemon juice. Now your pack is ready to apply. Pack should be applied for 1/2 an hour. After thirty minutes wash your face with warm water.
With this pack you will get rid off these bla ck  heads and will  get smooth, clean and glowing skin.


For this take some oil of sandal wood and masaage your face slowly. and lea ए your face for night. Wash your face with warm water in the morning. Believe me you will get smooth and glowing face.

For more ideas and beauty tips, stay connected  with me and my blog.  Next week I will give  you more beauty tips of sandal wood and its benifits for you. Till then bye🙋‍♀️
 Keep smiling, and have a good day .
For more details don't forget to subscribe my blog RAY OF HOPE. 


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