Today I am sharing some benefits of Black Pepper, cardamom,bay leaf and cloves.


It  is very important spice. It is used in tea and  milk. It is beneficial for cough and cold. It is used as medicine for asmathetic problem. It increases saliva in the mouth.Some benefits are
1. Promotes a healthy heart
2. Mitigates migraines
3. Relieves joint pain
4. Improve metabolism
5. Fights the flu,colds and fungal infections
6. Prevent allergies
7. Reduces cancer risk

 It is used as very important spice in our kitchen. Cardamom is very tasty .  It decreases the bad smell of mouth. It is also used as a medicine. It is of two types.
Small cardamom and big cardamom. It reduces itching and vomit. It is used for stomach pain and is healthy for liver.Some benefits are
1. May contain cancer fighting compounds.
2. May help with ulcers prevention
3.May treat bad breathe and prevent cavities
4. May have antibacterial effects and treat infections
5. May improve breathing and oxygen use
6. May lower blood sugar levels
7. Reduces anxiety and weight
8. Alleviates joint pain
9. Used as body detoxification
10. Fights depression
11. Improve kidney health
12. Improves appitite
13. Fights anaemia
14. Protect against heart attacks


It is a leaf of tamal tree.  It is used in indigestion,and stomach pain. It is used for liver. Some benefits are

1. Improve digestion
2. Treat respiratory conditions
3.Eliminate dandruff
4. Protect heart health
5. Prevent cancer
6. Reduces anxiety and stress
7. Manage diabetes
8. Detoxify the body
9. Slow the ageing process

 it is used for increasing the taste and fregrance of food. It is like a medicine. It is useful for vomit, cough,tooth pain, hiccup,and eyesight. Some benefits are

1. It contains important nutrients
2. Cloves are rich in antioxidants
3. It have anti cancer properties
4.  Can kill off bacteria
5. May improve liver health
6. Keeps blood sugar under control
7.  May promote bone health

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