Nowadays, all human beings are seen with a lot of trouble, there are many reasons behind it.Why people do not understand what they want from themselves money, family, peace or success?

  First of all it is necessary to be clear that what is a human being? Is a soul or a body? If it is a body,who has all the comforts, successes, heights,  then I want to say that all things are very important and if it is a soul then its greatest need is peace, patience and bread ,cloth ,and  House.

  Man is entangled, he is not getting answers to his question, and he is running from here and there in search of money. Can all the things be obtained with money? Is patience ,peace ,prosperity ,success is due to money.

  Today this topic has become very flammable, which is also very important to think.  question also arises as to how the human being should live in the present past or future period, and how should organize his life?

"Faliure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough."

  Today a very important  topic has come in front of me that I want to share with you all, I understand that it is not necessary that a human being is stuck in things whether it is a soul or a body.  In one aspect, a human being is first a soul, the question arises that what gives us comfort? What is necessary for us?Without which our life is meaningless? No matter, how much money we have,and success or  when we get the heights but till we do not have peace. There is no peace, all these things are meaningless for us. And to get all these things, it is very important to take a step first and that is ,we should have good qualities in ourselves. Because qualities make our character. We  should try to bring it in and try to end the old and bad habits, if we do this then one day we will be able to live a relaxed life and now you will ask how it will happen, I also have the answer  Friends, you know that if we open the faucet and put the pot under it, then the water will continue to fill and if the water in the bucket is dirty even then it should be put under the tap, that means one day we will  definitely get clean and frash water in pot.  The dirty water will automatically go out and we will get  good virtues in our character.Our character is our main capital. May be you will understand my gesture . It means that you are inside yourself  should be clear and which is possible by meditation through yoga and by listening to good topics ,music,and by watching good videos and debates, you can incorporate good qualities in you, due to which one day it will definitely come in.  Whatever is the problem, there is sadness, suffering is ashamed, it will leave you on its own and your life will be relaxed. Friends, it is important to take good things, good qualities, good decision because this is the foundation of our character if you change all these things.  If you can bring it, then you can also live a happy life. Yes.. a human being should live in the present, learn about his mistakes from the past and try to make the future bright, if you are understanding my point then you must think about implementing it.  Will definitely tell me about how my article felt, give me an answer in the comments section so that I can be encouraged.

"Knowing is not enough,we must apply.
Wishing is not enough,we must do."

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