It was winter and the king sat in the sunlight to take his meeting so that a little bit could be avoided from the cold and the body would be warmed by the sunlight. Then a guest came to the Rajya Sabha and told the king that I had two stones  One of which is a diamond and a glass in your state, if there is a person who can identify which of the stones in my hand is a diamond and which one is a glass, then I will give this diamond to you  And if he could not tell which of these diamonds are and which one is glass, then I will take money from you equal to diamonds and it will become mine.  This visitor had come through many states and had won a lot of money from them because no one was able to tell which diamond and which glass. The king was very shocked and he began to see that the honor of my kingdom  So, if a person has not told this today, my kingdom will be lost, then at that time the king declared that if a person can tell which of them is a diamond and which glass, then he will be in front.  Come and tell  While the Rajya Sabha was going on, a blind man came forward and said, "I can recognize. The visitor said to him," Oh, this is blind, how will it identify which diamond it is but he tried and he gave both stones.  In a few moments, he told that this is a diamond, the visitor got scared and was surprised how the blind person recognized which this diamond is because his answer was correct. He asked the blind person how did you recognize that this diamond was  And that blind person said that in the strong sunlight, the diamond can only be such that it is cold and the glass gets hot due to the sun, because of this quality of diamond, I recognized because the diamond is cool and it  does not even heat up.

 All the people welcomed the blind person with applause. The king was very happy and that blind person saved the honor of the state. He was kept diamond in the Rajya Kosh, then this story teaches us that we should always pay attention to our personality and  We should be as cool as diamonds, because this is the virtue of a diamond. we should not get  angry, we should be cool, we should not be as hot as glass on small things. Moment by moment, we have to eliminate the evils inside ourselves and we should try to become diamonds, Not glass. So try to have patience and don't get angry for small things. You have to remember that small things make big disease or big deal for life.  


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