We eat many fruits and throw their peels in the dustbin, but there are many people who know that a peel is very important and enhances our skin, one of which is orange fruit .  The peel has proved to be very beneficial for our face and skin, for this we have to collect the orange peel and dry the orange peel in the sun and then grind it in a grinder to make powder and mix the orange powder with rose water.  Apply on the face, wash the face after 5 minutes, the difference will be seen on its own.

 Make a paste like this by adding two pinches of turmeric and rose water to the orange peel powder, now apply it on the face for 15 minutes and wash it off with cold water.

 Aloe vera can also benefit with orange peel.  Mix the aloe vera gel with the powder of orange peel. No need for rose water, apply this paste for 15 minutes and wash it off.

 If you have pimples on your face and the skin is more dry then papaya will be beneficial for both of us, then by eating papaya, the skin is also beautiful and it shatters, but there are many ways to use it and we can enhance the beauty of our face.  By rubbing the skin of papaya on the face and after washing the face after some time, the skin will get skin glow.
If you like my post then subscribe my blog RAY OF HOPE. For more beauty tips follow me and my blog.Till then bye ๐Ÿ‘‹
 Stay safe and look beautiful...,


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