Once upon a time, while addressing the  kingdom, the king told the people that he is organizing a competition and all the children, young ,old or anyone can participate. I will organize this competition after 15 days from today. Everybody will come to my kingdom on 15th day and I will see the hands of everyone,and I will reward him/her with a lots of gold and many other rewards, if his/her hands will be beautiful.Everyone started talking about the competition and  preparations started.  Some people started keeping hands clean, while some people took utmost care on  hands.  Some girls quit doing household chores.  Some applied nail polish.  And some people applied henna (mehndi) in their hands. People gave up work for 15 days so that their hands would look beautiful, clean, and soft. Everyone was eagerly waiting for the competition.  All the girls, children, were full of enthusiasm and courage.  On the 15th, the kingdom got crowded.  Everybody came there to show their hands.  There were long queues and the king was observing hands.  In due course, a girl came  in and said  to the king,lord... please forgive me,it took me a while to arrive.  The king asked the girl that everyone has arrived at right time and are also showing their hands.  But why were you  so late ?  After all, what was the job that made you  late .The girl said sorry to the king and told her the reason. As she was passing from kingdom, an old woman who was blind  slipped in the mud.  Then she saw her and she helped her to stand up and made her cross the road and left her at her house.  For this reason,  I was late, said the girl .The king thought very much  about her and finally he declared the girl who came late in the competition to be victorious.

 So you know friends, from this story it is concluded that the hands  which  have done  good deeds is beautiful. Of course there were many people in the queue who took great care of their hands  But still the hands which did some good work were the most beautiful.  Friends, along with physical beauty, we should also take care of how we are behaving in life. How are we focusing on ourselves, and on what tasks?  We should not be influenced only by external beauty or external brightness, we should know the real nature of human being and also the external beauty fades after some time but the real behavior of human being,  his thoughts,  his feelings and his way of working makes him a real person and that is his real beauty.  There were many people whose hands looked very beautiful.  But the king found the hands of the  girl more beautiful which was stained in mud.  But the king did not think that his hands were covered with mud or mud, he thought that these hands has done some good work.  So friends improve your personality and help others while not taking into consideration external beauty.


 This is the rule of life. Nature will return to you the way you give  to nature.  If that girl helped a blind woman and nature rewarded her with gold as a result. 


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