
प्राण जीवन जल

  पंछियों ने घरौंदे बनाए, तिनके तिनके परों पर उठाए । तिनका तिनका जोड़कर, हिम्मत को  संजोकर । दिया बच्चों को छोटा सा घरौंदा,  सुबह से शाम हो गई, प्रकृति ही राह खो गई।  पंछी कभी प्यासे तो कभी भूखे थे,  क्योंकि प्रकृति के रास्ते अनूठे थे ।। आज हर इंसान से, एक ही इच्छा है । पंछियों ने दी उनको, भी एक शिक्षा है । जिसने हमें खिलाया दाना, जाना जीवन का ताना-बाना ।। श्रेष्ठ वही इंसान है , जिसने जाना जीवन का हर एहसास है।।  आज मेरे घरौंदे में,  बच्चे दाना खाएंगे।  जो हमने खाया है, उससे ज्यादा तूने पाया है।।  जो प्यास मेरी बुझाएगा तू,  मस्तिष्क की शांति पाएगा तू।।  हे इंसान !!एक बर्तन रख दे तू भी , अपनी मुंडेर पर।  भर दे उसमें प्राण जीवन जल,  और प्रेम का अहसास ।। सच कहता हूं मानव तूने मुझे जो है ,दिया , मैंने उसे प्रेम से लिया ।। आज हमारा जीवन, दांव पर है ।। मेरी इच्छा भी ,वृक्षों की छांव में है।। आज जब वृक्षों की छांव नहीं।  पंछियों के लिए घाव है यही।  जो प्रकृति को करता है, तू प्यार,  जीवन को तू चाहता है संवार ।। आ गए गर्मी के दिन,  जल से भरा बर्तन है,हमार


1 year ago, it was a special day for me as I begin to do something new, I begin to write something, I became owner of a blog known as........RAY OF HOPE it was a new experience for me. First post RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU. When I begin to write my first post RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU, I was very nervous, happy and very exited as it was first time I wrote a blog. I got 4 to 6 comments and around 200 views and I was motivated by the comments and views a lot and  confidence arose in me and I begin to write and tried to entertain all my dear readers. Today, yes today that is 29th APRIL I wrote my first post and in my view, today is birthday of my blog and I have completed 1 year of my blog and I wrote about 22 poems, 2 travels, 2 beauty blogs and 23 stories and total I wrote about 49 posts!!!! I thought that today is my blog's first birthday and I should celebrate it, enjoy it. I gave a pizza party to my family and arranged a cake cutting ceremony. Cake was a 2 two st


1.To get dry skin, add 1 tsp lemon juice and a table spoon milk cream in 1 tsp sandalwood powder and make a paste and apply it on the face. 2.Skin to nourish for a few warm water in a little honey together forehead from the neck to met 10:15 minutes planted after being light warm water skin clear. 3.If you in the Sun get it is the daily this measure adopt a big tomato about it whey in entering spices and skin find. 4.Where the cinnamon taste of food enhances the same it for oily skin highly profitable is it in the Sun burnt skin to extremely beneficial. 5.Your so whatever like also you recipe try be one and half tea spoon of honey in the something drop Almond oil whole face fingers to assist to find some later face clear. 6.A little papaya pulp 1 teaspoon  sandalwood powder whole face and neck find later cold water to clean a face. 7. Take out the pulp of an apple and mix a little bit of gram flour powder and mix some turmeric. Make a paste of this paste. This will ma


There is much difference between present and past day  because today is my happiest birthday. This is a very special day for me and for those who are waiting for my new post. Isn't it?? You know that for everyone it's a special day, but for me it is very special because of the gifts which are waiting to be opened by birthday girl. All of us get gifts from friends, relatives, beloved ones, and family members. In my view, there is nothing good in receiving and giving gifts to others but that moment is very special for me when I show  all my gifts to my fast friend or someone. This time I have got many gifts but without showing my gifts , my day is incomplete because I am crazy and  enjoy more and get happiness by doing so. I mean it's much interesting to show  our gifts to our near and dear one. When I show my gifts to everyone my heart fills with enthusiasm , love and affection.    Guess who is very special and second important person for me.  Can you guess? Ohh Ye


Potato is a natural cleanser. Cutting pieces of this piece by dying on the face, the dust of the skin is removed from the face.Not only this, the skin does not get cold, wash the face after some time after rubbing as a paste by mixing yogurt into the fine flour Add a pinch of finely ground salt to some raw milk and apply it on the face with a cotton wool and then wash the face after some time . If your skin is oily, then remove the tomato juice and put it on the face when it becomes dry, then wash the face with a cold water splash. To bring brightness in normal skin, 1 tsp spoon yogurt soaked in the water, make one paste of multani clay and 2 teaspoon of honey and mixed it well then apply on the face of this paste thick. Wash it with cold water and get dry skin and wash it. Add 130 grams of lemon juice and a table spoon milk cream in a grinding sandalwood powder and make paste and put it on the face. Follow this method to make cleaners. 3 lemons juice Mix an orange




मैं हूं नायिका इस रंगमंच पर, किरदार मुझे निभाना है। जीवन है एक नाटक, प्रस्तुत करते जाना है।।  कुछ संवाद हैं मेरे, जो मुझे मुश्किलों में घेरे।  रंगमंच की इस भूमि पर ,रिश्ते नाते सब से, हैं गहरे।  संवादों के बाद ,अभिनय का है साथ।  नाटक के इस प्रकरण में ,दृश्यों का भी है हाथ।।  दृश्यों के इस पर्व में, अनजाने से दर्द में।  किरदार बस निभाना है, संवादों में न उलझकर , आत्मविश्वास दिखाना है।  जीवन है एक नाटक, प्रस्तुत करते जाना है।।  बेटी बनकर रंगमंच पर, हिम्मत को दर्शाना है।  बेटी का अभिनय है, महत्वपूर्ण परंतु बेटे की भी, जिम्मेदारियों ने नायिका को किया है, परिपूर्ण।  यह पृष्ठभमि है नाटक की, बेटे के किरदार को भी स्वेच्छा से निभाना है।। मातपिता को ईश्वर जान, तुम ही हो रंगमंच की शान ।। नहीं अभिमान दिखाना है , बस रंगमंच की मिट्टी को । मस्तक से लगाना है ,फिर नाटक को प्रस्तुत करते जाना है।। अश्रु नहीं बहाना है ,दृढ़ता से इस भूमि की,  खुशबू को हृदय में  बसाना है।। नायिका हो तुम, इस रंगमंच पर ,कभी बहू तो कभी मां । बस उच्च कोटि के अभिनय में।  जीवन भर मुस्काना है।