

It is common for a person to get up with sleeping swelling under the eyes, often on an important day, how to eliminate swelling, let's go. 1.Put the spoon in the freezer for some time and then keep eyes on it. 2.Remove cold strawberries again and cut into thin slices. Keep it around 5 to 10 minutes for the eyes. Alpha hydroxide found in strawberries will show swelling of the swelling by showing its effect. 3.Aloe vera contains high amounts of vitamin E and antioxidants, both nutrients immediately reduce the inflammation of the eyes, remove the gel from the aloe vera leaf and put it under the eyes and leave it for some time after 20 minutes wash with cold water . 4.Cucumber has a lot of potential to reduce inflammation. Keep the cucumber piece on the eyes for a while, eyes swelling will end. 5.Put the tea bags in hot water for 2minutes and remove it completely from the water and let it cool completely. Keep this tea bags on the eyes  for some time, swelling w

भावभीनी श्रद्धांजलि

नहीं चाहती हूँ मैं बंधिश, अपनी इस छोटी दुनिया में, बंद करो, अब तो ये, रंजिश, चाहती हूँ, यही, अब दुनिया में। सपने तो अब सच होंगे, पराये अब अपने, कब होंगे? रहती हूँ, इसी अटकल में । कब होगी शान्ति इस जल थल में ? आएगी समझ, कब उनको भी ? जब देर हो गयी, तुमको भी । अपने घर , वापस आने में, अपनों को समझाने में।। झूठे वादे, झूठी कसमें, झूठी है दुनिया तेरी। डोली आएगी सज कर,अपने घर पर मेरी, तिरंगे में, लिपटे होंगे हम। भर लेना, सांसों में दम। शर्मसार होंगे, अंधेरे भी, उजाले होंगे, बथेरे अभी। आऊंगा  मैं  , घर अपने, बस रूकना थोड़ी देरी। हिला देंगे हम दुशमन को। जिसने प्रहरी को देखा भी। तोङ देंगे,उनकी हिम्मत। उठा देंगे मुखौटे को, चेहरे से अभी।                                              पूनम✍️✍️✍️

🌹 प्रेम 🌹

प्रेम मेरा अतीत है। प्रेम मेरा वर्तमान । प्रेम मेरा आज है । प्रेम मेरी जान   । प्रेम ही सोच थी  । प्रेम ही संवाद  । प्रेम ही अंदाज़ था । प्रेम ही आगाज़  ।     प्रेम जो पास है  । यही तो खास है । जब यह साथ है । तभी बनी बात है। प्रेम एक गुलाब है। प्रेम एक जवाब है। प्रेम एक शबाब है। प्रेम बहुत लाजवाब है। यह वही खत़ है। जो किताब में छिपा था। यही वो सच है। जो ज़बान पर रुका था।                                                  ✍️ पूनम✍️✍️    


In cold weather many people start to have skin around the nails, it is not only pain, but also the beauty of the hands also worsens. How to get rid of this problem can be relieved. 1.Aloe vera gel is very effective in getting rid of this problem, put the aloe vera gel on the nails for 5 minutes and it will take effect in 1 week. 2.Keeping your hands in lukewarm water for at least once a day, keep it in the water, it will benefit. 3.Take a piece of cucumber and rub regularly at the place around the nail. 4.Massaging the nails from petroleum jelly i.e. Vaseline will relieve your problem related to the skin. Also add light lukewarm water to the oats and make paste and massage her nails.  5.Massage with olive oil in the place of nails and the surrounding place before sleeping at night. 6.Take a little honey and massage her nails, continuing for 1 week will ease your problems. I hope these tips will help you in reliving pain around the nails.  Till then bye👋. Keep rocking👍

ह्रदय तरंगिनी

यह तरंगिनी है ह्रदय की, उठती गिरती लहरें हैं। कल कल करती रहती हैं, अद्भुत दुनिया के पहरे में। ये लहरें हैं खुशियों की, गम की और दोपहरी की। जीवन के हर मोड़ पर, इस प्रतिबिम्ब के प्रहरी की। जब तक  ही ये लहरें हैं, तब तक ही ये सेहरे है ंं। अठखेलियाँ कर रही ये तरंगे, खिलते मुस्कुराते ये चेहरे हैं । यही है अर्थ जीवन का, आशाओं की गगरी का। मत रहना यूं व्यर्थ, रहना तुम समर्थ। बने रहना हृदय रूपी रथ का पार्थ ।। सहेजकर इन यादों को, हृदय में अपने संजो लेना। उठती रहती इन लहरों को, अंजलि में यूं भर लेना। न गिरने देना इन लहरों को, तोड़ देना गुलामी के पहरों को। खिलने देना इन चेहरों को।             ✍️ पूनम✍️✍️✍️


This story is about a person who  played an important role in not only his career but in his parents life.  He is connected with every single person by his positive attitude and thoughts.   You want to know about his life, and childhood. I am throwing light on his life, efforts and achievements  by this post. This story is dedicated to all those people who  are sacrificing and are going in forward direction without defeated by any financial or difficult circumstances and who are changing themselves for others. "If, opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."        A  naughty boy with simple outlook and average student of ICSE Board  named Bhaskar lived in a small city of UP.   He was a student of  a sharp mind and sincere for all his actions. As time passed he passed matriculation and then Intermediate examinations. He belongs to  a middle class family and his father was govt.  Employee.  "Dream big, stay positive, work hard, and enjoy the journey."


In our daily food, we give no importance to seeds. But these seeds are really full of vitamins, minerals, protein,and antioxidants. You can use these seeds in salad and smmothy. If it is possible then you should eat  raw seeds.  1. PUMPKIN SEEDS - It is a good source of vitamin B, Iron, megnisium, zinc, protein and amino acid. This seed is very useful for the patient of depression. It controls anxiety and flw of blood in veins.   You can eat pumpkin seeds raw or roasted with tea or coffee.You can make some LADOOS of pumpkin seeds by using jaggery. We can use pumpkin seeds oil for making vegetables and daal also.but one thing which is necessary to remember is that, don't cook these seeds.  SUNFLOWER SEEDS - These seeds are full source of vitamin B, vitamin E. These seeds are useful for hair and skin. You can use these seeds in muffins and cookies to make them more crispy. Sunflower seeds are more beneficial for CANCER DISEASE. Don't use salt with these seeds because