
D O L L - An inspirational story

I want to  say happy women's  day to all the women power of world, and today I met with two beautiful girls who are struggling and definitely coping with their circumstances bravely.  Ranjana and Kiran are two girls from the village Masaunpur of  state Kanpur.      There are five daughters and two son of their parants.Their father sold saris in Kanpur but he was looking for a good job as the income was not sufficient for satisfying hunger of his family. After some time he started doing a job of selling parrots made of foam. He went to many states to sell out these hand made parrots. Still the family was struggling with financial issues. Once he went to Calcutta (present day Kolkata) for some work and bought  one doll for his loving daughter. The doll was not only pretty but also was reasonable in price.         Then his daughters took some parts out of the doll and observed the construction of the dolls      Then they got an idea that why can't they make dolls l


Hi!!! Everyone. As all of us know that today is 8th March. This day is celebrated as International women's day.    So, first of all, I want to congratulate to those women, who are bringing all the women towards a path of progress and who are giving a  modern world, a world of independency to our upcoming youth. Today is special for those who are women but their efforts and work efficiency feel us proud and  give enthusiasm to go through the process of creating a new life, great success and tone of happiness.     Do you know, that in India, we celebrate 13th Feb as a women's day? If your answer is no then please read this blog till the end. And if your answer is yes then, keep reading my  dear friend because this is your blog.         Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning. The devil says        "oh crap she is up!!"  13th Feb is birth anniversary of the great leader and perfect poet, Sarojini Naidu. Her full name was Sarojini


It is common for a person to get up with sleeping swelling under the eyes, often on an important day, how to eliminate swelling, let's go. 1.Put the spoon in the freezer for some time and then keep eyes on it. 2.Remove cold strawberries again and cut into thin slices. Keep it around 5 to 10 minutes for the eyes. Alpha hydroxide found in strawberries will show swelling of the swelling by showing its effect. 3.Aloe vera contains high amounts of vitamin E and antioxidants, both nutrients immediately reduce the inflammation of the eyes, remove the gel from the aloe vera leaf and put it under the eyes and leave it for some time after 20 minutes wash with cold water . 4.Cucumber has a lot of potential to reduce inflammation. Keep the cucumber piece on the eyes for a while, eyes swelling will end. 5.Put the tea bags in hot water for 2minutes and remove it completely from the water and let it cool completely. Keep this tea bags on the eyes  for some time, swelling w

भावभीनी श्रद्धांजलि

नहीं चाहती हूँ मैं बंधिश, अपनी इस छोटी दुनिया में, बंद करो, अब तो ये, रंजिश, चाहती हूँ, यही, अब दुनिया में। सपने तो अब सच होंगे, पराये अब अपने, कब होंगे? रहती हूँ, इसी अटकल में । कब होगी शान्ति इस जल थल में ? आएगी समझ, कब उनको भी ? जब देर हो गयी, तुमको भी । अपने घर , वापस आने में, अपनों को समझाने में।। झूठे वादे, झूठी कसमें, झूठी है दुनिया तेरी। डोली आएगी सज कर,अपने घर पर मेरी, तिरंगे में, लिपटे होंगे हम। भर लेना, सांसों में दम। शर्मसार होंगे, अंधेरे भी, उजाले होंगे, बथेरे अभी। आऊंगा  मैं  , घर अपने, बस रूकना थोड़ी देरी। हिला देंगे हम दुशमन को। जिसने प्रहरी को देखा भी। तोङ देंगे,उनकी हिम्मत। उठा देंगे मुखौटे को, चेहरे से अभी।                                              पूनम✍️✍️✍️

🌹 प्रेम 🌹

प्रेम मेरा अतीत है। प्रेम मेरा वर्तमान । प्रेम मेरा आज है । प्रेम मेरी जान   । प्रेम ही सोच थी  । प्रेम ही संवाद  । प्रेम ही अंदाज़ था । प्रेम ही आगाज़  ।     प्रेम जो पास है  । यही तो खास है । जब यह साथ है । तभी बनी बात है। प्रेम एक गुलाब है। प्रेम एक जवाब है। प्रेम एक शबाब है। प्रेम बहुत लाजवाब है। यह वही खत़ है। जो किताब में छिपा था। यही वो सच है। जो ज़बान पर रुका था।                                                  ✍️ पूनम✍️✍️    


In cold weather many people start to have skin around the nails, it is not only pain, but also the beauty of the hands also worsens. How to get rid of this problem can be relieved. 1.Aloe vera gel is very effective in getting rid of this problem, put the aloe vera gel on the nails for 5 minutes and it will take effect in 1 week. 2.Keeping your hands in lukewarm water for at least once a day, keep it in the water, it will benefit. 3.Take a piece of cucumber and rub regularly at the place around the nail. 4.Massaging the nails from petroleum jelly i.e. Vaseline will relieve your problem related to the skin. Also add light lukewarm water to the oats and make paste and massage her nails.  5.Massage with olive oil in the place of nails and the surrounding place before sleeping at night. 6.Take a little honey and massage her nails, continuing for 1 week will ease your problems. I hope these tips will help you in reliving pain around the nails.  Till then bye👋. Keep rocking👍

ह्रदय तरंगिनी

यह तरंगिनी है ह्रदय की, उठती गिरती लहरें हैं। कल कल करती रहती हैं, अद्भुत दुनिया के पहरे में। ये लहरें हैं खुशियों की, गम की और दोपहरी की। जीवन के हर मोड़ पर, इस प्रतिबिम्ब के प्रहरी की। जब तक  ही ये लहरें हैं, तब तक ही ये सेहरे है ंं। अठखेलियाँ कर रही ये तरंगे, खिलते मुस्कुराते ये चेहरे हैं । यही है अर्थ जीवन का, आशाओं की गगरी का। मत रहना यूं व्यर्थ, रहना तुम समर्थ। बने रहना हृदय रूपी रथ का पार्थ ।। सहेजकर इन यादों को, हृदय में अपने संजो लेना। उठती रहती इन लहरों को, अंजलि में यूं भर लेना। न गिरने देना इन लहरों को, तोड़ देना गुलामी के पहरों को। खिलने देना इन चेहरों को।             ✍️ पूनम✍️✍️✍️