To be happy in this world, first you  
       need a cell phone, and then you need
       an airplane. Then you are truly 

The use of mobile phones must not be allowed in schools. Schools are a temple
of knowledge in our society. They are con
sidered even above the religious places by a student. A school has and should have an environment of purity.
   On the other hand, the mobile phones are just opposite of nature of school. They make people addicted toward themselves, indulge people in wrong deeds and are just a source of 
Cell phones in schools are  dangerous, disruptive and not necessary. 
This is mentioned by some of our teachers but we are still of the opinion that this is not correct. 
All of us know that allowing cell phones in schools will give rise to an unhealthy, unwanted competition as students with expensive latest model phones. 
Everything has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some have more advantages and less disadvantages while others like cellphones are vice versa. I believe they have literally no advantages. 

 Today mobile phones is neccisity for every person. So, Why? ?? Mobiles are not allowed in schools, as, they are very cheap, handy and useful deviceof communication and helpful in many ways to students. In case of difficult position,we can  call to parents, police and ambulance if we have mobile. If we have to stay for more hours in school for extra classes, we can call easily to our parents. 
       But in my view we can provide this device to our students but only after specific age or classfor example class 10th onwards .
If mobiles are allowed in school premises the classrooms will become chat rooms and fields will be empty as children will stick to their phones. The mobile phones may be a good source of information but only for a few number of people. Others misuse their phones or just chat with unknown person. If there are more as thought by others are suppressed due to high number of disadvantages . The mobile phones will also effect the health of the students as people stop doing exercise and playing games. Excess of it will cause various backbone diseases due to abnormal bending of the neck The effect of mobile phones is clearly seen in classrooms as more than fifty percent of the class have a weak vision.

Children and teenagers are five times more likely to get brain cancer, if they use mobile phones

40%of cells taken from mobile phone users show DNA damage.
If we look at the lifestyle of people about four-five decades ago, we will come to know that their lives might not be comfortable but they were content with what they have. Nowadays, people show off their accessories on social media and other people develop an inferiority complex The smart phones were invented then years ago in 2007. If I would have been asked to give my views on this statement before the smart phones were invented, I would not be clearly against this statement but smart phones have destroyed our lifestyles and especially teenagers. The reading of books and newspapers have been stopped by many students. There are now not in studies. They are no more interested in the tales of old people. It may be true that mobile phones are a source of knowledge but they impart knowledge in a passive way. The students stop using their brains, they lack common sense and a auestioning attitude.At last I would request that the use of mobile phones must not be allowed in the school and the children who use should be  punished as they will set an example for others. The use of mobile phones in schools will stop the cries and laughter of children in the school.

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          BUT CAN USE FOR A WHILE ."



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