"Tommorow is the first blank page of 365 page book. Write a good one. "

Today,I am talking about some resolutions which should be taken by every human being who live on the holy earth. 
  Tommorow a new beginning, a new day, a new ambition, a new morning, a new mind make up, new deals, with ourselves and supreme power. Off course, a day of New Year should be full of positivity, entertainmen, aand resolutions. 
  You can make resolutions to ourselves that you should not speak lie anymore. Because from my point of view truth is God. Being true with ourselves and everyone is a best virtue of a human being. Truth is a base of every relationship. 
 You should make balance in your earnings and givings. You should give one fourth of your earnings to poor or needy person as a charity. 
  You should be calm and stable in any difficult position. It can be your examination that how you can manage your imotions like anger and anxiety. In my opinion  every soul is  powerful and peaceful. We are children of almighty.
"Your minute is your hour,is your day, is your week, is your month, is your year. If you want to make this year better make each minute better. "
 If we have to lead a happy life, we should be always happy no matter which is our condition whether poor or middle class, jobless or ugly. No one can make you angry or can take your happiness away. Believe me it is true. 
   You should not waste food. You should give some food to hungry or needy person. 
  You should give up your past and let go waste thoughts which make room in your mind easily. 
 You should give up your bad habits like drink, smoking etc and spent you whole life in doing something new and good for others. Believe me, if you will change your habits, it will take some time but it is not impossible for whom who want to change himself for the supreme power. 
   You should speak low, sweet and less. It will save your internal power and  will make you more powerful. Now you can do more work in less time. 
  Last but not the least you should not think more about what you have done in your past time. Come on friend!!! this is new year, a new life, a new beginning of 2019. 
  If you will do as I am saying it will give you peace and rest to soul. A reason of life is to chase and accept all the challenges. 
  "If you asked me for my new year resolutions, it would be to find out who I am."
At last  want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR to you from the blog Ray of hope.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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