Hello everyone !!!
 Today I am sharing some tips for enhancing the beauty by 🍋 lemon.

1.  Remove nail polish from the nails and pressing it in the lemon juice for two to three minutes makes a big difference.

2. Lemon is not far behind in taking care of the feet. With the help of lemon, you can make a great mixer for cleaning feet. For this, put two by three cup   of vinagar in a vessel, mix 1/ 5 cup olive oil, two teaspoons lemon juice and the last coconut oil. Now massage the feet for 10 to 15 minutes in this mixture, wash the feet after half an hour, you will feel the difference yourself.

3. Add a spoon of curd to one teaspoon of honey to improve facial tone. Now mix half teaspoon lemon juice in this mixture and apply it on the face, it can also be applied on the throat and hands, wash it after 15 minutes. After washing the face, apply moisturizer.

4. Cut the lemon into four parts. Now let a piece of lemon drown in the city, keep this piece on the nose and the parts where blackheads often come out. After that, do that part of the face with a cloth immersed in hot water, 3 times a week . It is much beneficial.

For more beauty tips and information subscribe my blog Ray of hope,A blog of stories,poems, beauty tips and travel.
Till then bye and take care.

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