In our daily life we use spices. But in modern times the spices  are used in minimum quantity. People think that they should use minimum quantity of spices for good health. But  this is not a right decision. I  am sharing important information about spices which we use in food in daily life. I am giving you some benefits of spices. Then you will understand that what is the importance of spices in food and how it is necessary to eat it in right quantity.


Salt is centre of all liquids and taste. Without salt ,there is no taste in our food. Salt gives  strength to our bones. There are many types of salt.Presense of salt make our food tasty
1. Rock salt
2. Black salt
3. Sambhar salt
4. Sea salt

Today   sea salt is available in market. But  rock salt have many medical benefits. Rock salt have power to  make our body healthy. It is beneficial for eyes and prevent heart deseases. Black salt is very beneficial for stomach. If we eat salt with lemon then it becomes more benefitial.
1. Rock salt is superior salt according to Ayurveda.
2. Boost metabolism
3. Stabilises Blood pressure
4. Boost immunity
5. Treats sinus
6. Promotes weight loss
7. Reduces stress.
8. It  is also great for purifying the air around you.
9. Promotes healthy skin
10. Reduces Edema
11.  Used as a body scrub
12. Treats needing gums
13. Exfoliates skin
14. Promotes healthy hair


 Corriander is  an old herb . We can grow this easily and its crops  grow more faster than others. Green corriander is used because of its smell. We should use corriander in our vegetables. It is very beneficial because of its taste and smell.
  We use corriander seeds in our spices.
It removes weakness,asthma, cough and stomach. This is good for bile and indigestion.
1. Lowers cholesterol
2. Treats diabetics
3. Improves hair and skin quality
4. Rich in immune boosting anti-oxidants.
5. May benefit heart health.
6. May benefit brain health
7. May promotes digestion  gut health
8. May fight infections
9. Protect skin
10. Easy to add to your diet.

  I will tell you about two spices in my next blog . Don't forget to read and subscribe my blog Ray of Hope.
    So,For today this is sufficient till then bye and take care.


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