If your hair is too oily then this post is for you. You should know that what are the reasons of oily hair and how we can get rid of this problem .
  You shampoo your hair to remove oil from them,but excessive use of it is not good for your hair. you should follow some beauty tips to get good hair which are given below

1.  If your hair is oily then apply some baby powder in the roots of hair. This will give strength to your hair and powder will absorb extra oil from your hair.

2. Don't use the conditioners often. If you use conditioner then you should not apply  it in the roots of hair .

3. Don't use hot water to wash your hair.

4. Take  some water and add some lemon juice and keep it in refrigerator. Massage your head with this mixture after washing  hair. You should apply this  in dry hair.

5. Take yolk of two eggs. Mix olive oil and honey in it and apply this on your hair for 25 minutes. At last wash hair with  shampoo and do this  once in a week. It will give you relief from oily hair.

 So , there are different reasons for oily hair like ,use of beauty products in excess for eg. conditioner,cerem etc.
 One of'em is excessive use of shampoo.. To avoid this problem, don't  comb your hair often .
 Harmonal changes in your body also affects your hair.

 So, if you like these beauty tips, then read share and subscribe my blog RAY OF HOPE
 Bye and stay fit and healthy.


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