Once upon a time there was a Pandit who belonged  from middle class family and he used to deposit💰 ₹ 500 every month for his daughter to money lender so that he could get money for his daughter's marriage in the coming years. A few years have passed. Now when it time came for his daughter's marriage, he went to money 💰 lender and expressed his desire to get back the money he had deposited.  You did not submit anything to me, he retracted saying this.  Now Panditji was very sad and upset, he went to the king and told him his problem and asked him to help him so that he gets his money back.  Then the king said do not be sad Pandit ji, do one thing, in morning my palanquin will pass from money lender's house, and you have to stand outside.  Saying this, he assured Panditji.  The next day, Panditji stood near the lender's house. After some time, the king's palanquin passed  and all the people of the village started throwing flowers on him and started putting garlands around his neck, as soon as the palanquin reached the money lender's house.  He stopped the palanquin and gave a call to Pandit ji and asked  where you were from so many days?? I was very keen to meet you, saying that, he invited Pandit ji to his palanquin and made him sit with him in the palanquin and went ahead.  Seeing that the moneylender was stunned and thoughts started arising in his mind that this pundit had a better acquaintance with the king.  After seeing this, he was overturned and thought what he had to do now. King and Pandit ji were going together. The king went a short distance and stopped the palanquin and said to the pandit, you will get your wealth today.

 Pandit was surprised to hear king and started going back when money lender gave a call to him after seeing him and said, "Wait, Pandit, I have checked my papers and I have got the paper of yours and it says that you have deposited ₹20000" and take 💰₹ 500 for my inconvenience to you.  Perhaps I forgot the place where I kept your papers.

 Panditji was happy, then friends, you understood some thing, how did money💰 lender change , how did his move change due to his acquaintance with the king.

 The whole story tells us that if we have a relationship with a king, no one can spoil us, that is, in other words, we can also understand that if we have relationship with our God the Supreme Father .  We should make  our relationship strong with God because only one person supports us in every difficult situation and he is  Our Supreme Father.

 No matter how many relationships you have in the world,  but the highest and the omniscient king of this world is God who can save us from the difficult situation, so we should also spend some of our precious time in devotion to God.  Every moment of our life is the gift of our Supreme Father, the Supreme God.
"Who glows inside, don't need spot light from outside."
So, connect with God and glow from inside.

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