Treatment for itchy scalp

There can be many more reasons for head itching but some are sweat, dirt and humidity , for that there are some home remedies which can be used  to flew the itch from our head just in 30 min

1. Lemon juice can be  proved to be very helpful  getting rid of itching in the head because it has antiseptic properties. For this, apply lemon juice on the head and leave it for 5 minutes and then after applying shampoo the itching will get relief. 

2. If lemon juice can be mixed with curd and applied on the hair for a few minutes, itching stops, but for this, this hair pack has to be used every day.

3.  Mixing equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and water and applying it on the scalp for 15 minutes and then applying shampoo helps in stopping itching. 

This has to be done three times a week .

4.  Baking soda can provide relief from itching by removing dead skin from the head. For this, apply some olive oil on the hair and make a paste of baking soda and leave it directly on the head for 10 to 15 minutes. After that  Wash hair thoroughly with water.   By this itching will go away fully.

5. If you need anti dandruff scalp of head then use hair mask. It can be banana mask or  egg yolk mask.

This  hair mask will provide  you right  nutrition and sufficient moisture.

6. Do you know?? green tea  is an antioxidant and it has amazing anti inflammatory  properties and anti fungal in nature.

Green tea is wonderful for our health but it has too cool effect on our can also rinse your hair in green tea water.

7.Neem is a  medicinal plant. It has anti fungal properties. You can use neem shampoo also.

It's anti fungal quality, remove fungas from our head which produce dandruff .

8.To avoid dandruff and itching you  can use anti dandruff shampoo also.

9 You can apply massage with pepper mint oil . For this you have to add some drops of oil in cold water.

After some time , you can wash it and can apply shampoo . It's property can remove head lice too.this oil can be used to fight with dandruff and remove itching problems.

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