

    यह  जीवन  तो,एक राती हैै           किंतु  मेरे सपनो की  बाती है     सपने हैं  शिखऱो  से ऊँचे,  किंतु            हैं   उस गगन से नीचे  ,      मेरे सपनो के है  ,यही उदेश            कर सकू  स्वयं  को  अच्छे,       कामो मे  निवेश,  हे ईश्वर            मुझको  शक्ति  देना, प्यारे       देश  के  हेतु,  भक्ति  देना, भले             न कर सकू  कुछ ऐसा  अनोखा         पर मार्ग  से न तू डिगने देना            आज यही  करती हूँ  मैं   प्रण,          नहीं  रोटी  गरीबो की  दूँगी              मैं  छिन,  आज भले कुछ खो,          जाऊँगी, किंतु  मृत्यु  से  पहले  कुछ                कर जाऊँगी.  मेरी यही कामना         है  दिल में,  है ईश्वर  कर दो भारत                 नवमय,  जिसमे हो  गांधी,  नेहरू          के सपने और नवयुवको का हो  जीवन                  मृदुमय.  साथ  ही  हो मेरे  सपनो           का भी  निर्माण. ,मेरे  भारत  के  गले                    में  पड़े,  जयमाल ||          


Yeah! Today many customer came . And my Parlour is SUCCESSFUL. I am very happy today it is very good day. You are thinking what this statement mean I'll tell you what this statement mean. For knowing more about it read further story. She belong to poor family and her family was having a support which was a shop which they give for rent to a girl who opened a beauty parlour and she WANTED a girl for helping her. That poor family gave their daughter for helping parlour girl as that poor family wanted more money for them. Slowly and slowly she was becoming young. She learned many ACTIVITIES from that parlour girl like eyebrows, cutting, waxing and other services. After sometime in that parlour that poor girl started doing work with the parlour girl. Few years ago the poor girl studied and became of 21 and she married a boy. She loved him and that boy also loved her. They went for their honeymoon at hill station. THEY lived in a hotel and go outside for walk. As her husband


Thank you God for the birds that sing Thank you God for everything, Thank you God for stars shining bright And for the seashore sight, Thank you God for the human you made And for the sense you gave. Thank you God for mom and dad And for the great time with them  I had, Thank you God for friends and teachers As they save us from the cheaters ,                                                                                Thank you God for the hardworking farmers, As they grow crops for us . Thank you God for the face you gave to us And for your grace upon us , We all praise you god for each small and great thing, As you gave us voice to sing, Thank you God for everything  Thank you God for everything. (If there is any photo related you And you  want to remove it so please  tell us on comment) 


This is the story of that day when I was studying in college there was my friend named Himani we both studied together, eat together, we talk together and we both also share our personal talks .  There was a fresher party . Because of  sickness I can't attend that party. Next day we met as usually all the day. She told me that she became miss fresher in that party. Slowly and solely she was having many friends she was having a boy as a friend named Rahul. They both were becoming closer and they were falling in love. Sometimes Himani talks about Rahul with me. When she goes to Rahul for meeting him she always takes me with her . Day by day they may come this much of closer that they want to marry each other. They go for shopping, they give gift to each other and they spent most of the time with each other. Other side she was also doing preparation of NET competition and she became bio professor, from my side she was an innocent and intelligent girl Himani 's parents had


वीरों तुम हो शहजादे           इस हिंदुस्तानी मिट्टी के दीवाने हो तुम परवाने इस हिंदुस्तानी मिट्टी के           वीरों तुम हो देश के रखवाले अहले वतन पर मरने वाले       इस हिंदुस्तानी मिट्टी के इस हिंदुस्तानी मिट्टी के  है अंदाज़ तुम्हारा जॉबाजी             कर देते तुम धराशाही दुश्मन को अंधेरी गलियों में              इस हिंदुस्तानी मिट्टी के इस हिंदुस्तानी मिट्टी के              हम गहरी निंद्रा में सोते हैं खुशियों के लम्हे यह खोते हैं              होली खूनी रंगीली शामें बाहें इंसानों की थामे               शत्रु तुमने कितने रौंदे मां के हो तुम रूहानी बंदे             इस हिंदुस्तानी मिट्टी के इस हिंदुस्तानी मिट्टी के                तुम शान ए वतन, तुम जान ए वतन हो हमराज वतन की मिट्टी के                 जल के बुझते, बुझ के जलते कुलदीपक हो इस मिट्टी के                 इस हिंदुस्तानी मिट्टी के इस हिंदुस्तानी मिट्टी के ।


Tammna was a beautiful, smart, intelligent girl she was having many friends at school and all the teachers liked her. She was also attentive in class . Then suddenly she was not comming to school from many days . Then she entered in the class room and we all started asking her " Why you were not comming to school from many days she said ," I'll tell you but you will not tell to anybody else in the class " we all answered " Yes we'll not tell to anybody else in the class"     She started her story ------ My (Tammna) father is an advocate in court and my mother is housewife . One day my mother said to my father " I feel alone at home " so my father said "But why" my mother said because you go to court and my daughter go to school and I left alone at home. So my mother asked my father that can I join a job but my father refused and said " No" .She was so ambitious that she joined a job secretly wit


"अनजाना पथ , अनजानी  चाह  अनजाना सुर , अनजानी ताल  अनजाना चाँद , अनजानी रात  अनजाने हम , अनजाने आप ".                                                                    - पूनम