

At this time we are looking a type of children who are taking interest in playing and enjoying mobile phones. They don't play with toys which is very harmful for our upcoming  generation. Nobody knows, what is right or wrong and how we can overcome it,but this is very great problem.       A child whose mind is not fully developed and this is time of learning for him and we give a computer like mobile in his / her hands.l think it is very dangerous for  the future of our children. A long time ago ,our children slept by Lori or inspiring stories told by mother,grand mother or Nani . In the morning we said ram ram ji or Hari Om or namaste or good morning but at this time children get up not with a innocent smile ,but a smile for mobile or Television. Can we find what is the reason behind their smile ? Oh!!! Yes why not? It's mobile my friend. In that days a child had habits of reading newspaper and books in library. Now a days we had lost these things in our lives .


होली में उड़ा गुलाल, पीले कर दूं दोनों गाल। चुनरी को अपनी संभाल, गुजिया खाए भर-भर थाल। आज उड़ाओ जमकर गुलाल, मिले दिल तो बजाओ ताल। आए ऐसी होली हर साल , झूमे नाचे खेलें रस की फुहार। आओ बरसाए रंग हजार, थोड़ी मस्ती रंगों में प्यार। पकवानों का है त्योहार, बढ़ाएं मिठास और प्यार का व्यापार। सारा आलम होली से सरोकार , होलिका दहन की हर अंगार। याद दिलाएं हमें बार-बार, अबीर गुलाल की है भरमार। दुखों के रंग का अंत कर दो एक बार। यह दुनिया है कितनी रंगीन, मत बना मौसम को गमगीन । आजा बाहर निकल कर आज, बनकर अपने दिल का सरताज । हम सब भी रंगीन हो जाए, जीवन को रंगों से सजाएं । प्यार वाले साज़ बजाएं , फागुन के गीत गुनगुनाएं । एकता के रंग में रंग जाएं, मन में अपने खुशियों को सजाएं। किसी के जीवन में कुछ काम आ पाएं, शुभकामनाएं सबको देते जाएं। मनभावन रंगोत्सव बनाएं, रंगोत्सव को रंगों से सजाएं। दिल में कपट को मार भगाएं , एक उद्देश्य से मनाएं रंगोत्सव आज। छेड़ें एक दूजे के दिल के साज, रंगों को भरेंगे जीवन में ऐसे आज। सभी के हृदय में करेंगे प्रेम का आगाज।। आप सभी को होली


You can see a short film based on this TAJ MAHOTSAV ON THE LINK GIVEN BELOW.  TAJ MAHOTSAV a  program related with culture , industry, and tourism. A big and interesting fair which is on great platform where special celebrities come and show their art ,like  singing, dancing, painting ,acting,etc. It's a cultural event where we can see  the  activities in the form of material sold in market ,from different states of India. It is held between 18 february to 27  february . People from different places visit to agra for this festival in the month of february, invokes old mughal era and nawabi style prevalent in Uttar pradesh from 18th to 19th centuries. THE GATE OF TAJ MAHOTSAV There was one entrance gate to TAJ MAHOTSAV which was at Shilp gram. To enter in TAJ MAHOTSAV, we should have passes ( one pass  per person) . There were too VIP , VVIP and guest passes for important persons. Guest passes for normal persons  If passes were not