

"Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwarah. Guru Sakshaat Parabrahma, Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah. " It means that , Our teacher is like Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh which is called trideva, Brahma is a creator, Vishnu is a protector and preserver, and Lord Shiva (Maheshwarah) is a Destroyer of the universe . So, our teacher is like a God. Whole universe runs on his power and desire. I bow in the front of my respected  teacher,who enlightened my path and  support in every aspect of life. Teacher like God are always blessed with a miracle stick.           Once upon a time one merchant went to his guru's home. He was in trouble. He said to the guru to gave him a  mantra.  Guru gave him RAM name as a mantra, by the heartly learning, his life can change quickly . Merchant was unsatisfied by this mantra, because according to him this is the easy mantra and he already knowed RAM mantra.He said to the guru , please give me another mantra which can show miracle in hi


Hi everyone! ! Rakshabandhan is a holy festival of Hindus. This festival is celebrated for a strong and lovely relationship of brothers and sisters and both are joined by the pious thread OF RAKHI. The relationship  of brother and sister defines a bond of love and life long defence given by  brother to her sister . In this festival, sisters tie a  thread around the wrist of her brother and tilak on his forhead and pray for his good health, Wealth and long life. In return of this emotional and spiritual bond of thread, he gives a special gift like chocolates, money, and other gifts.       This is a main festival of every one because no one is untouched by the power of the  this beautiful thread of RAKHI.     In this festival sisters speak some words for her brother. These lines are -              "12  mah, chaubees pakh.              Raja ram chandra  ji di rakh." "" It means that God help you in any condition and time. You shine like sun and you get

मेरी कलम से

हर दिन मजमा सा क्यों लगता है, हर शख्स परेशान सा क्यों दिखता है? कहीं दानवता हावी है, मानव पर और कहीं नशे का घाव मिलता है? हर दिन मजमा सा क्यों लगता है? हर शख्स परेशान सा क्यों दिखता है? कहीं पर दाने दाने को हैं मोहताज, तो किसी के सिर पर मोहरों का ताज। क्यों हमें सिसकता सा हमारा आज लगता है? हर दिन मजमा सा क्यों लगता है? हर शख्स परेशान सा क्यों दिखता है? गरीब अपनी गरीबी से क्यों बिकता है? हर राह पर घोटाले का ही तड़का क्यों लगता है? आवाज हैं पर सबके मौन रहने में ही क्यों अच्छा है? हर समझदार इंसान अभी तक बना क्यों बच्चा है? जिम्मेदारी ने दबा दिया उसे जो व्यक्ति सच्चा है। सच की परछाई दिखती नहीं है, इंसानियत और सच्चाई जो बिकती  नहीं है। आंसू सूख गये जो वसुंधरा के, बादलों को बरसने को किसान क्यों तकता है? हर दिन मजमा सा क्यों लगता है ? हर शख्स परेशान सा क्यों लगता है ? नारी के शिक्षा  सम्मान पर ही प्रश्न क्यों उठता है? नारी पर क्रोधित होने में आखिर क्या मिलता है ? इंसान के मस्तिष्क में ऐसा क्या चलता है? नारी का आंचल भी आज क्यों बिकता है ? हर दिन मजमा सा क्यों


Glycerin acts as a good moisturizer, mix it with rose water, clean it before sleeping and apply it well. Slowly it will smooth your stiff and rough ankles.         Oil massage is extremely beneficial for skin at all times, clean the feet in the night and sleep olive oil till coconut oil is massaged with any good oil. It will make your ankles very soft and smooth.          Fruits contains such enzymes that help keep the skin of your ankles soft, after cleaning the feet, massage the ankles for some time after papaya or banana will keep them soft. If the edges are too much claw, try neem and turmeric paste.        Regardless of how good the cream is, it is very important to keep the ankles clean for them to clean and moisture everyday, do not forget it.     If you like these beauty tips then please subscribe my blog (RAY OF HOPE ) and like it. Your response is very important for me and my blog✍️. 🙋‍♀️See you very soon till then bye.      Keep smiling. 


"Friendship day is celebrated in honor of friends who make our lives so special and help us give a meaningful direction. " Today  is very special day for everyone who has best friend. Yes!!! It's friendship day, 5th August. This day is celebrated as a friendship day every year.    Friends, today I want to share one inspiring and beautiful story of two friends. Once upon a time one girl named Rani and his friend Jaggu, an elephant were playing with each other.  Rani's mother  asked her to bring water in her pot  from the river. Then she went to river with her pot.  Suddenly after filling water, her pot  of mud broken down. So she was crying loudly. She was upset to see her broken pot.   Jaggu was his friend. He wanted to help her. He had one idea. He dipped  his trunk in  the river and filled with water and went to her home with Rani. At home, she went in , and take out a bucket. Then Jaggu filled her bucket with the help of his trunk. Jaggu helped his fast


Hello everyone🙏 !!! There is summer season and it's too hot at this time. At present I was standing to take my daughter from school. As usual, she was crazy for ice cream and cold drinks.    It is time that we want something to chill us. There are different types of ice-creams on the shops, like, chocolate cone,  vanilla cup, cone, strawberry, Tooty, frooty,butterscotch, kasata, Sunday ice-creams,  fruit bar, orange bar, Choco chip ice-cream , kulhad ice-cream, kulfi, pita ice-cream, faluda, chusky etc.        But now a days there is a special frozen fruit juice   in the trend. All children, elders, and everyone who want to taste something new and  fresh. Go for it . So don't miss frozen fruit juice 🍓🍇. Here you will find something new and chilled tasty juice for you.         You will find this bar at every school college and working places. These bars find in two sizes , big and small. You can buy this frozen fruit juice bar at rupees 10/or 5/per piece. The sp


1.Make a fruit pack of the pulp of strawberry and apply it on your face. After 20 minutes, wash your face with simple water. 2.We can apply strawberry with curd and other fruits, on our face. The regular use of strawberry makes  the colour, of the skin more light. 3.For making a strawberry pack, we need, 3 spoons of oats, pulp of 3 strawberry , one spoon curd and honey. Mix them well, and apply on your face for 20 minutes and wash it. 4.For removing dead skin from our face, we need the pulp of 5 strawberry, 5 mashed almonds, Olive oil and mix them and apply it like a scrub on the face. 5.Boil strawberry and make like a jam. Pour this jam in the bottle and keep this bottle in fridge. You can mix this strawberry jam in your face pack and can apply on your face. 6.Strawberry is a strongest antioxidant. It can save our skin from wrinkles and fine lines. 7.Strawberry is source of vitamin-C  which    make our skin healthy and beautiful. 8.strawberry face pack  makes our ski